
Maybe a dumb mess

I've heard "hot mess" used a lot lately. I guess I'm just out of the loop, but exactly what does that mean? I would think a bad connotation, but when you add "hot" it throws me. Please help. TIA!
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Re: Maybe a dumb mess

  • it's just a mess really.
  • I have heard men refer to a certain woman as a "hot mess." ?At that time, it meant that she was hot, but either crazy or had a lot going on, etc.?

    Like, she's hot.. but her life's a mess, etc. :) ?

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  • It's synonymous with "train wreck."
  • I'm pretty sure it came from one of the designers on Project Runway.  He kept saying "You look like a hot mess!" when talking to someone who he thought needed serious help. 
  • imagelizlemon77:
    I'm pretty sure it came from one of the designers on Project Runway.  He kept saying "You look like a hot mess!" when talking to someone who he thought needed serious help. 

    Lemon, as a PR devotee, I feel compelled to correct you.  :)

    The phrase Christian used repeatedly was "hot tranny mess."  There's a difference.  One would much prefer being simply a "hot mess" as opposed to a "hot tranny mess."  


    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
  • I've used "hot mess" for years, way before Project Runway. It's just more popular now that Christian made it more mainstream. I always thought it started as urban slang, sort of like saying someone is "beat up."
    She's crafty - and she's just my type.
  • Niecie Nash (sp?) on "Clean House" has used it for years and she is referring to an extra messy/cluttered room.  That is the only time I've heard it used...except when someone used it on this board earlier.  Train wreck is a good description I think.
  • dpdwdpdw member
    LOL.  I guess my interpretation of "hot mess" has been wrong!  I always think of a steaming pile of poo.
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