

Hi! You mentioned below that your incision opened and got infected? This happened with my second, too. For you, was it just a superficial tear of the top layers or did they have to stich you back up? For me, it was just a superficial tear and they put me on an antibiotic for it. It's happened AGAIN, which is what I was refering to in my post. Bleh...C-sections the third time around suck ass.
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Re: koribrett

  • It was superficial.  A tiny spot opened & drained, they put me on antibiotics but it never got infected.  Just healed up after that but MAN it pulled & ached for freaking ever.  It was on the far right of the incision, the OB said it's the way the sutures were tied off inside, somehow it didn't let everything heal back together correctly at that spot.  Had a different closer the second time & during surgery the OB told him how he wanted him to tie it off LOL

    C sections suckass period.  I'm glad you're ok otherwise!

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