
Is this what they talk about on BOB?

So, I've mentioned that so many friends are having their 1st baby. Seeing the updates on facebook, and in talking with them I realize how lax I was about what I ate and such . . . Did you:

Heat up all deli meat?

Avoid tuna?

No caffiene?

Have a few sips of wine?

Drives me crazy really. I say everything in moderation! One friend is going to a bachlerette party and was moaning about how she had to drink water. I said, "Hey, have a few SIPS of wine." Everyone got on my case. I didn't tell her to have a few mixed drinks and get smashed, but I'm pretty sure I had a few sips of beer and maybe a half glass of wine. Flame away!

Re: Is this what they talk about on BOB?

  • Heat up all deli meat?NO

    Avoid tuna?NO

    No caffiene?NO

    Have a few sips of wine?NO BOOZE FOR ME

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  • Deli meat-  no, that is such a small risk, and honestly when I asked my OB she laughed and me and said i was being silly!!!

    tuna-  I do not eat tuna so no issue.

    caffeine.  I had a coke every once a while, when I craved it.  by the end because I was soo tired all the time I had at least 1 can every day.  and I ate all the chocolate I wanted.

    wine-  not really, but on new years eve I drank a half glass of champagne.  and when I was 8 weeks- i knew I was pg- i toured the coors brewing factory and did taste a sip or 2. 

     the problem with drinking a few sips of wine at a bachelorette party is every one staring at you.  it is such a no-no in the US to have a sip while pg, that she would get hammered for it!! 

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  • Heat up all deli meat? No, I ate it cold

    Avoid tuna? I don't like tuna, so it wasn't an issue

    No caffeine? 1st pregnancy I cut out caffeine, second pregnancy I had my one cup of coffee a day.

    Have a few sips of wine?  I don't drink alcohol so it wasn't an issue

    I have to agree that a pregnant woman doesn't need to be anal about cutting out everything, moderation is the key.  I think my dr said that if I liked wine with dinner than a glass would be fine.

  • I agree.  I'm an "everything in moderation" believer myself, including some wine here and there. 

    I also agree with pp, that the issue for me is not so much having the sips of wine, but doing it in public where you get all the glares and questions.  I don't even go into stores to buy alcohol (for parties, DH,etc.) because I can't stand the funny looks I get.

  • I had deli meat, I had tuna, I had Starbucks, I did not have alcohol.
  • I'm a rule follower:)  I ate tuna with is good for you, not sure what's wrong with that other than mercury but 2 servings a week are fine, even recommended.  I heated all deli meat.  With DS I drank no caffiene, with DD only in the late 2nd and 3rd trimester, and only 1 caffiened beverage per week.  And no alcohol.
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  • Heat up all deli meat?  No - my OB said that if it was freshly cut (within 4 days, it wasn't necessary)

    Avoid tuna?  Raw as in sushi, yes, but light canned no

    No caffiene? Beverages, but I don't drink caffiene anyway.  I ate a ton of chocolate!

    Have a few sips of wine?  In the last couple months, but I couldn't stand the taste of any alcoholic beverages while pg. 

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