

how are you today?

I hope you got some rest or lit a fire under your DH's ass :)


Re: sumner

  • I'm pretty good today, actually.  Yesterday I felt a little defeated, but thanks to everyone's responses, I feel better about things. 

    Hahaha!  I actually TOLD him last night what would be happening this Friday.  Either he has his sh*t moved by Friday, or I move it for him.  Sydney goes in the crib on Friday, no arguing about it.  I'm sick of being a single mom and babying him.  He had been at a golf tourney all day yesterday, so he was in no place to argue with me.

    Thanks for your sympathy on this! And thanks for checking up on me!

  • I'm glad you feel better today and told him what was going to happen.

    Good Luck, it'll probably be a few days of torture but I'm sure it'll stick this time!

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  • imagexbrooklyngrl:

    I'm glad you feel better today and told him what was going to happen.

    Good Luck, it'll probably be a few days of torture but I'm sure it'll stick this time!

    I just hate being a bitchnag of a wife.  But, I guess sometimes you just gotta do it.

    Yeah, I'm dreading it.  I mean, really dreading it.  I'd rather have shots in my eyeballs than do this, but whatever.  I guess I have to, right?!

    Did you ever do CIO with your DD?

  • F*ck that! I realize he works and all but F*ck that. You aren't mother Theresa!

    No, I couldn't. The one time I did, it wasn't intentional. I had to go down and get her water and she went nuts for the 1 minute it took, she puked and it was awful.

    Honestly, I always changed things around. She slept in our room in the PNP for 6 mos. Then I started to put her into her crib for naps, then slowly for night but she always still woke up a million times and I'd rock her. Then there was a time I'd let her fall asleep in my bed, then move her. Its always been forever changing.

    I had to rock her to sleep until a little passed two, seriously, there were months when it took me 2 hours to get her to sleep. At two, she finally started to sttn. Now at three, she goes to sleep all on her own after a few books with me, and sleeps all night!

    There is hope. Do whatever works for you and whatever you feel comfortable with.

    This too shall pass :)

  • LOL!!!  Yes, it is true-I am not a Mother Theresa type.  I wish I was, but....

    Awww-she puked???  Poor baby!  I wouldn't be able to if either of my girls were like that.  And I can't believe you had to rock her to sleep until 2!  I would've lost my damn mind by then.  At least in the end though, you got a good sleeper.  But, you know-I would've done it for Ashlyn if she needed that.  The first kid is a bit easier to cater to.  It's the second kid that you can't really do that for.  That's where my guilt comes in too!

    I need to remember that this too shall pass.

  • I totally agree! I can't say if I'd be able to do that with a second. With your first, its all about them and for me, I was running on adrenaline forever but at two, I was tired as hell.

    Don't feel guilty, you are doing a great job and the best you can. Every kid is different and you'll figure this out.


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