I'm trying to decide whether to call my regular OB's office this week, although I'm not "graduated" from my RE until after my second ultrasound next week.
I know with a singleton pregnancy you usually see the OB once every 4 weeks up until the third trimester, then every other week, then every week toward the end. (Generically, of course, depending on any problems.)
What was your "schedule" like with multiples?
My RE knows my OB and she does a lot of twins, so she doesn't necessarily send twin moms to the MFM unless otherwise indicated.
Re: What was your prenatal visit schedule like?
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
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Starting since 22weeks it has been....
OB: every 2 weeks
Peri: every 2 weeks
Before that i was every 4weeks, & just an OB.
I started with every 4 weeks. At 22 weeks they started every 2 weeks at the OB. I also see MFM for growth scans every 4 weeks (so, I had a 12 w u/s, 18w u/s, 22, 26, 30, etc.)
I think at some point it will move to weekly and I'll have NSTs.
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i saw my RE weekly until i was discharged after my 8w appt.... started seeing Ob at 9w.... and saw him every 2 weeks for that first month... then was monthly for a while- i can't remember when it went to 2 weeks... then it went weekly around 30w.
i also saw the MFM/peri montly until 35w when i started to see him weekly. I made it to my 38w scheduled c/s.
i would still see a peri even thought your OB is comfortable with twins. My OB has delivered tons of twins (and higher order multiples) but still thinks a peri is a good idea- b/c they do higher level US's and can check for things going wrong along the way (ie- shortened cervix) that an OB typically does not check for b/c they don't usually have the higher tech US equip.
Yeah, I was planning on talking to her about that, because I think I would just be more comfortable also seeing an MFM. So many problems can crop up with no warning that I'm paranoid, and I think with good reason.
I have ultrasounds/growth scans every 4 weeks (that's been my schedule at my OB since week 12 when I first went over there).
I was going every 4 weeks - then upped it to every 2 until about 3 weeks ago when I started going weekly for NSTs and cervix checks.
My schedule didn't seem TOO different in the beginning from a singleton pregnancy - I think mainly because I haven't really had any issues.
I only saw a MFM for my NT scan...after that there was no need.
Saw my RE till we transferred to London at around 6 weeks PG.
Saw a peri from 7 weeks to 20 weeks (every 3-4 weeks had an u/s). In between peri visits, I saw a midwife who just did normal check-ups (BP, doppler, measured my bump, urine sample, blood work on occassion).
Now that I am back in the US, I go every 2 weeks to my peri (who is also my delivery dr./OB). This schedule started at 22 weeks.On the 2 week appts, it is just checkups (check cervix, BP, weight, urine, etc). I go to him every 4 weeks for a growth scan (u/s).
I too recommend a peri. They have been wonderful in my experience!! It's nice to know that they do high-risk and multiple PGs all the time and I feel like they've "seen everything" in terms of complications, etc., so it's refreshing how calm and informative they are with you!!
GL and hope you find a wonderful team to work with!!