
Daycare dilemma: WWYD?

I read my DD's daily sheet from yesterday just this morning on my way to work, and found out that they gave her formula yesterday!  She is BF baby!  Her lunch was listed as "rice cereal, sweet potatoes, sippy cup with water, formula." 

I am NOT happy about this.  When I got DD home last night, I noticed a bunch of red spots on her.  I wasn't sure what they were, but now I am wondering if she was showing any sensitivity to the formula she was given.

I am usually SO happy with our daycare.  Lately, however, it's been a revolving door of teachers (going out on maternity, vacations, etc.).  I have decided to write them an e-mail and talk to them about it at pick up tonight.  Here's what I have so far.  WDYT?

Good morning - I read DD's daily sheet today, and was concerned about what I saw on it.  For lunch, it said that she was given her usual lunch (jar of food and cereal), a sippy with water, and formula.  What concerned me was the formula.  DD is a breast fed baby, and has never been given formula.  I was worried about her yesterday afternoon due to some spots I found on her neck and upper back.  Had I known that she was given formula which is something she had never received before, I would have been more concerned about a potential allergic reaction or sensitivity. 
I understand that it is the summer and there are different teachers in the classrooms than usual.  However, consistency in my children's care is very important to me.  I would like to discuss this with you when I pick up the kids later today.
If you made it this far - Thanks!

Re: Daycare dilemma: WWYD?

  • I think thats perfect. I'd be pissed too.

    ETA: do you think maybe they just assumed your BM was formula?

  • I think that sounds good. Follow up with suggestions when you talk to them at pick up on how to make sure this doesn't happen again (a sign near where the "food" is prepared saying that she isn't to be given formula) so that even new teachers can know the drill.
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  • Honestly, I don't even see the need to send an email.  Just call!  Maybe they just wrote formula but gave her her own bottles.  Do you provide the bottles and milk made up?  Or do they make up the bottles for you?  How is everything labeled? 
  • imagednagal:
    Honestly, I don't even see the need to send an email.  Just call!  Maybe they just wrote formula but gave her her own bottles.  Do you provide the bottles and milk made up?  Or do they make up the bottles for you?  How is everything labeled? 

    This exactly. I've had forms pre-filled before and said DD ate something I knew she wouldn't have wanted and when I got excited about it and questioned her teacher she would tell me, oh, no, L didn't eat that.

  • I would call or talk to the director in person.  I would not be ok with them giving my LO anything that I had not provided. 
  • That sounds good to me! 
    L 7/06 E 8/07 L 6/10 imageimageimage
  • I think the note sounds good.  Just keep an open mind because maybe they wrote that down as a mistake.  I know that my son has had the same teachers for a year and a half.  They know what he can and can not have but once or twice they wrote the wrong thing down on the sheet. They fill out some many at a time, they might have made an error.  Each time I talk to them about it they apologize for writing down the wrong thing. 


    I agree, I would be mad to, just remember to go in with an open mind to hear before you start getting angry.

  • Thanks, Ladies!

    I provide BM in bags, so they would have had to pour it in something to give it to her.  My daycare is usually SO good, so I am hoping that it was just a mistake in what was written.  I will keep an open mind when I talk to them tonight!

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