
Pumping is not going well.

I've pumped a few times this week each time after a feeding. I pump until I've hit a few minutes without any output. That part is fine. But then when jilli needs to eat a few hours later I don't feel full enough and I've had to feed her some if the pumped milk to supplement. Obviously I want to save the milk not use it at the next feeding!Is this normal at first?
Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)

Re: Pumping is not going well.

  • I think it's normal not to get too much at first. However, I didn't start pumping until my kids were 5-6 weeks old at least.  I would only get about 1-2 oz. in the beginning. 
  • You shouldn't need to "feel full" to still be making milk for her.  Your body should produce on demand when she nurses.  Is she acting fussy or frustrated when you are nursing her?   Make sure you are drinking a lot of water. 
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  • Pumping sucks, pun intended.

    First thing in the morning is generally the best time to do it.  You need to go 10-15min each side, unless you're getting raw from nothing coming out.  I'm guessing your body just isn't used to letting down for the pump - do anything you can, picture of J, relax, drink a bottle of water, have a burp cloth or blankie of hers that smells like her, have her start to nurse and then pump after you let down...

    It's normal - your body is used to a human, not a pump.  Your body senses the baby & knows what to do.  Your body sees a plastic thing stuck to it & goes HELLLL NO lol

  • The pumping part is going great. Even after I feed her, I still can pump about 2-2.5 oz (and this is just after pumping 3 times).

    The problem is with the next feeding - I run out of milk before she's done eating (can't express even a drop). Is that normal? Will that adjust itself?

    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
  • She's very efficient.  If she is not acting fussy or hungry after she's done, you have enough.  You will level out according to what she needs.  You are doing great!
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