I've pumped a few times this week each time after a feeding. I pump until I've hit a few minutes without any output. That part is fine. But then when jilli needs to eat a few hours later I don't feel full enough and I've had to feed her some if the pumped milk to supplement. Obviously I want to save the milk not use it at the next feeding!Is this normal at first?
Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
Re: Pumping is not going well.
Pumping sucks, pun intended.
First thing in the morning is generally the best time to do it. You need to go 10-15min each side, unless you're getting raw from nothing coming out. I'm guessing your body just isn't used to letting down for the pump - do anything you can, picture of J, relax, drink a bottle of water, have a burp cloth or blankie of hers that smells like her, have her start to nurse and then pump after you let down...
It's normal - your body is used to a human, not a pump. Your body senses the baby & knows what to do. Your body sees a plastic thing stuck to it & goes HELLLL NO lol
The pumping part is going great. Even after I feed her, I still can pump about 2-2.5 oz (and this is just after pumping 3 times).
The problem is with the next feeding - I run out of milk before she's done eating (can't express even a drop). Is that normal? Will that adjust itself?