
1st bday party question

how elaborate are you going for the first bday?

h and i have discussed several options.

a bbq pool party at our house with family and a few friends.

a catering hall cocktail party ( very casual) with a dessert party following


renting a beach house for 3 days and throwing a party there.


which do you suggest? and this is only for her 1 st bday party. next year we have hotdogs!

one thing i will say is we have limited parking by our house so parking is an issue, the catering hall is like $60 a head including open bar for 3 hours, and the beach house rental is like $600 not including catering.


Re: 1st bday party question

  • we just had snacks and cakes at our house. There were about 25 people total.
  • imageLULUNJ:

    one thing i will say is we have limited parking by our house so parking is an issue, the catering hall is like $60 a head including open bar for 3 hours, and the beach house rental is like $600 not including catering.


    ::faints:: OMG, that is a lot of money!! We had a big party...I think we ended up with about 60 guests total over the course of the day. It was the 4th of July so we did a bbq: burgers, dogs, chicken, a handful of sides, cupcakes, snacks, beer, etc. It ended up being a lot of money (for us, we are broke)...I'd guess I spent about $700: $400 on food, $60 on beer, $50 on rental chairs, $75 on decorations, $50 on activities for the kids and $100 for a photographer.  I'm still recovering!!

    Our parking situation was kind of limited but people just had to walk a little (I forwarned them). Unless you have money to burn, I would do a bbq at your house. I'm still fainting over $60 per person!!

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  • imageBirthday party blog entry

    We didn't go super elaborate; it was big by *our* standards, tiny by others... about 40 people came through the house that day... the party officially went from noon to 2pm, but people were hanging out until almost dinner time.

    We ordered a big party sandwich from Togos, and had sushi, pasta salad, potato salad, fruit salsa, chips and dip, a veggie tray and cake.

    I made all the favors and invites, we didn't do much to decorate, I borrowed an ocotpus cake pan from a friend and my mom made the potato salad. I think we spent about $400 total, and probably $250 of that was on food.

  • if it were me id do the bbq or rent the beach house. i can't imagine going to a cocktail party for a one year old. doesn't really fit. we did R's 1st bday huge so i know what its like to want to celebrate big time.

    Rowen Alexander born 10 weeks early 1/28/07
  • We had a "BBQ" pool party at MILs for about 45 guests. We bought subs, had potato and pasta salads, baked beans, snacks, fruit, punch, cookies & cakes. It was nice, big but no too big.
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  • We had a big party. We had 70 adults and 25 children. It was at a field that we rented through the town and we hired a company to bbq ribs, chicken, and hot dogs. I bought some inflatable pools/water things for all different ages and the kids had fun playing in those.
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