Babies: 9 - 12 Months

I want to be pregnant!

 It took 9 months for dd and now we are moving onto cycle 8 for #2. My heart aches everytime I see a pregnant woman. I want more babies Dammit!

Re: I want to be pregnant!

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    awww, I hope it happens for you soon!  I love your siggy pics!
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    I hear you!  We are only on cycle #2 of for #2 but I want another baby ASAP!  We started TTC once I got my period back but if we could have, we would have started sooner!  It took 11 cycles with DD so I wanted to get a jump on it just incase it took us a while with the next one.

    Have you seen the Baby Bunching blog? 

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    I hope it happens soon for you. I'm sure it will! We just started ttc, last time it took us 8 months. I am hoping it happens faster this time around.
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    I hear you!  We are only on cycle #2 of for #2 but I want another baby ASAP!  We started TTC once I got my period back but if we could have, we would have started sooner!  It took 11 cycles with DD so I wanted to get a jump on it just incase it took us a while with the next one.

    Have you seen the Baby Bunching blog? 

    what is this baby bunching blog you speak of?!

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    Baby Bunching!  Well it is if you are purposly (or not so purposly) having 2 under 2.  I plan to read up so that when I have #2 I'm prepared!!!  It's funny and really helpful.  I love the lingo too.  I can't wait until I have my Twiblings!

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    I hope it happens soon for you. I'm sure it will! We just started ttc, last time it took us 8 months. I am hoping it happens faster this time around.

    It took us 8 cycles also with DD.  I was totally convinced I was barren by the time I got my BFP...I was a big bag of nerves.  Now I'm glad I know we can do this, and I'm hoping to be more relaxed about it.  Still I have a deadline so that doesn't help...

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    me too! still waiting for pp af. So annoyed I haven't had a period yet. We have the next two months, and then we have to wait 4 months before trying again. I am losing my mind over here! Hope it happens for you soon!


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    anything i can do to help?
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    awww, I hope it happens for you soon!  I love your siggy pics!


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