

Does anyone have any experience with this? My 3 year old is a horrible sleeper. He doesn't nap and has a hard time unwinding at night and it takes him forever to fall asleep even though he is clearly exhausted. He also ends up getting up at least once a night about 95% of the time. Someone mentioned melatonin to me and I checked with my pedi. and he said I should give it a shot. I called the pharmacy and they are going to order the liquid version for me since there is no way I could get him to take a pill. Just wondering if anyone else had anything to share. Thanks!
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Re: Melatonin?

  • I've never heard of it?  Is it a sleeping pill for kids???
  • I have been using it with my son with mixed results.  My son had trouble staying asleep.  He falls asleep no problem but then he is up at 3 am for the day with no desire to go back to sleep or snuggle.  He just wants to play.  We took him to a sleep dr and he told us to try melatonin.  We have the pills but we open them up and put the melatonin in applesauce.  We have been using it for about a month.  I have heard that it works great for kids who need help falling asleep.

    Good Luck

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  • It is a natural supplement that supposedly helps with sleep issues.
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  • FWIW - Trader Joes has a chewable in 500 micrograms...DS is nearly 3 and has been taking this - what a HUGE help to the entire family.
  • I took it for a while before I was pg with DS because I was having sleep issues all of a sudden.  It helped (but nothing like good ol' Ambien).  I've never heard of its use with toddlers though.
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