Sweetie! Hey there! I am feeling great- just tired and overwhlemed. I haven;t had the energy to do all the little projects around the house that I have been saying will get done before the baby is born and now I am in full on nesting/crazy lady mode!
*Corrina born August 30, 2006* *Kaya born August 6, 2009*
Thanks Anne! I know, I can't believe how soon this new little one will be here! How are you and the boys doing?
We're good, thanks, although I'm not pg yet and that kinda p!sses me off! I had a mental goal that I'd at least be pg by August (the time my m/c baby was due) and I am not so that kinda stinks.
Can't wait to hear about your arrival! Hopefully you have a nestie contact so we'll know when he or she makes his/her grand entrance??? I have strong girl vibes for you
Re: Clicky Poll: Girl names
I love how Nora sounds with your DD#1's name. You're getting so close!
BTW- your DH is delicious.
Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005
ditto all this! how are you feeling? can't wait to hear if boy/girl and to see pics!
We're good, thanks, although I'm not pg yet and that kinda p!sses me off! I had a mental goal that I'd at least be pg by August (the time my m/c baby was due) and I am not so that kinda stinks.
Can't wait to hear about your arrival! Hopefully you have a nestie contact so we'll know when he or she makes his/her grand entrance??? I have strong girl vibes for you
Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005