DH and DS are home on summer vacation until the end of August. Last night, I realized that we have totally gone off DS's normal schedule of bedtime. He didn't get to bed until 9:30 pm last night and his normal bedtime is 8 pm. (Granted we were traveling yesterday and got started late on dinner, bathtime, etc.)
Have I started a bad thing here? DH seems to think that because they are on break, its okay to stay up a little later and wake up a little later, but I am afraid that when it comes time to get up out the door again, he will struggle. Do you think for now it is okay and as long as we start getting back on a regular routine about a week before school all will be fine? Or, should I get him back on his routine now?
FWIW - I have also been off my regular schedule and am NOT looking forward to getting up earlier to get the both of us ready. I am so enjoying have the quiet mornings to myself
Re: Am I setting myself up for diaster?
He is sleeping in later now that he is older. I think that is why DH is liking this idea
I just don't want to get screwed when we all go back to work/school and have meltdowns.
Unless your DD is really rigid about schedules, I think you are fine. A week or two before he has to go back to his normal routine, start working your way back to an 8 pm bedtime. I wouldn't let bedtime get too far later than 9:30 (on a regular basis).
When we go on vacation, DD goes to bed at all different times (sometimes as late at 11). She adjusts quickly when we get home. The first day back may be a little sleepy, but she is ok. I think part of it depends on the child.
Preston's normal bedtime is 8pm, but for the summer he isn't getting to bed until closer to 9pm, sometimes later. He still gets up at 7:30am, but he also still takes a 2 1/2 hour nap. Once fall is here and it gets darker earlier, then he will go back to his 8am bedtime.
I think he will be fine. Just try moving his bedtime up a little a week before you all go back to work. At his age, it is soo much easier to get him back on schedule than it would be for a younger toddler.