Do you have a public water supply? Unless it's well water, your kids should be getting flouride through the water. Can you get them the chewable tablets if not? I think flouride is pretty important in protecting their teeth. I don't think you've put them in harms way by missing a few months, but I would probably start giving it to them again.
Not trying to be snarky, but why not just give it to them? Flouride is important for their teeth, or the pedi wouldn't have prescribed it. Guess I'm not understanding.
I give my DD a flouride tablet about 50% of the time (well water, here) I also brush with flouride toothpaste, DD uses a flouride rinse twice a day and she gets flouride treatments at the dentist every 6 months.
In our case, our pedi wrote the script for the flouride. My dentist, on the other hand, said oral flouride is not nearly as important as topical treatments and not to bother with the tablets. So I split the difference and give it to her half the time. I figure she is getting enough flouride from other sources.
Not trying to be snarky, but why not just give it to them? Flouride is important for their teeth, or the pedi wouldn't have prescribed it. Guess I'm not understanding.
I just got out of the routine, and feel badly that their teeth may suffer. Neither of them really understand the spitting out of the toothpaste, so I'm sure they swallow some of it. I was just curious about how important the fluoride really was. When we took T to the pedi. dentist he really did not stress the importance of oral fluoride.
I just jumped in and saw this, but wanted to give you heads up to really research flouride, its HIGHLY toxic and I wouldnt give it to the kids, just ask a local Natural foods store for some info!
I just jumped in and saw this, but wanted to give you heads up to really research flouride, its HIGHLY toxic and I wouldnt give it to the kids, just ask a local Natural foods store for some info!
Interesting. So, maybe I've actually helped them without even knowing it? I never took fluoride as a kid - went to the dentist on a regular basis and all. Fluoride in water is a hot topic where I live.
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Do you have a public water supply? Unless it's well water, your kids should be getting flouride through the water. Can you get them the chewable tablets if not? I think flouride is pretty important in protecting their teeth. I don't think you've put them in harms way by missing a few months, but I would probably start giving it to them again.
I give my DD a flouride tablet about 50% of the time (well water, here) I also brush with flouride toothpaste, DD uses a flouride rinse twice a day and she gets flouride treatments at the dentist every 6 months.
In our case, our pedi wrote the script for the flouride. My dentist, on the other hand, said oral flouride is not nearly as important as topical treatments and not to bother with the tablets. So I split the difference and give it to her half the time. I figure she is getting enough flouride from other sources.
I just got out of the routine, and feel badly that their teeth may suffer. Neither of them really understand the spitting out of the toothpaste, so I'm sure they swallow some of it. I was just curious about how important the fluoride really was. When we took T to the pedi. dentist he really did not stress the importance of oral fluoride.
I just jumped in and saw this, but wanted to give you heads up to really research flouride, its HIGHLY toxic and I wouldnt give it to the kids, just ask a local Natural foods store for some info!
Interesting. So, maybe I've actually helped them without even knowing it? I never took fluoride as a kid - went to the dentist on a regular basis and all. Fluoride in water is a hot topic where I live.