Nevada Babies

U/S Place

Im going to be 14wks tomorrow and my doctor wont do an u/s to tell me the sex til 20wks. Being that I am too anxious, I looked around for some ultrasound places and found one that can tell you at 15wks. If they cannot tell you, you go back for free and if theyre wrong, they give you another package free or something like that. Their prices were very reasonable as well. Im going next week to get a 2D u/s done to find out the gender. I hope my baby cooperates!!

Re: U/S Place

  • I went to a place called Center for Maternal Fetal Medicine (CMFM) and they told us the gender at 13 weeks, but they were surprised it was that soon. Its on like West Sunset and Durango, I think. Even though it was a pretty far drive for us (we live on Warm Springs and Green Valley) the staff was amazing, the wait wasn't very long at all, and the Doc (Dr. Masaki) was hilarious! They gave us the option to go some where closer, but we decided to stay with them.
  • We went to Sneak A Peek.. it was $85 for the gender.

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  • I went to 4D Baby Ultrasound in Summerlin at 16 weeks and they were able to tell me the sex. My doctor did another ultrasound at 20 weeks and I asked to confirm the sex and they were right.
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