
Raising a Bilingual/Multicultural Child?

How would you raise an bilingual/multicultural child in this society? It turns difficult to teach the culture and language of one of the parents if both are not involved or fully supportive, do you consider this true?

I'm bilingual myself and I want to contribute my culture and native language to my kids but I don't know if in the long run my H is going to be ok with them talking to me in a different language that he may not have learned fully when he met me...?

Re: Raising a Bilingual/Multicultural Child?

  • I am assuming if your DH has not taken an interest in learning your language yet, he probably won't.  But he may pick up quite a bit "accidentally" as you are teaching your child.  If I had the ability to teach my child a different language/culture, I sure wouldn't pass up the opportunity.

    I teach my DD about our family all the time.  She asks almost daily for me to tell her a story about when I was a child.  That would be a golden opportunity to explain your family's traditions and culture.  (I also do my best to tell her stories about DH's family--as much as I know, at least.)  If you are telling your DC about your own life, she is bound to learn some of the culture and your DH can't really be mad at that.

    Also, when you are having conversations with your DC in your own language, be very conscientious to include your DH and keep up a running translation so he has no reason to feel left out.

    Good luck!

  • DH speaks to our kids in Russian most of the time and I think it is great!  I totally support it and sometimes have to remind him to speak to them in Russian because he forgets.  They understand everything he says and I've learned so much just from hearing him speak to the kids, family, friends, etc.  Just try to include your H as much as possible.  We have one day a week where he speaks Russian to all of us and although it normally doesn't last very long (for me), it is fun for those few hours trying to figure out and learn what he is saying.
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  • Most of the couples I know that do this have a partner who knows their 2nd language on a basic level.  With one couple, the bilingual partner will not speak her 2nd language with their child around other people who don't know it b/c she thinks it's rude.  With the other couple, the bilingual partner routinely speaks his 2nd language with their child around other people.  I guess it's just your preference on which way to go about doing it. 
  • We're raising our children bilingual. ?We speak spanish at home, although it's difficult for me because I've lost much of my vocabulary and I need to be doing more. DH speak spanish to the kids about 95%of the time. ?We also watch DVDs in spanish when there's an option, and DH and I have been watching telenovelas at night to help me brush up. ?We think it's such and advantage for kids to be bilingual that we're really trying hard to make it work. ?They understand almost everything we say to them, and we're working on getting them to respond in spanish. ?It's coming along quickly!
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  • imagemonchichi:
    DH and I have been watching telenovelas at night to help me brush up. 

    Lol, who doesn't learn with those telenovelas!

    && I get what you're saying about the kids respoinding in Spanish, they usually say things in english but respond to orders in spanish.

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