
One who nurses and one who doesn't?

Does anyone else have this situation? ?

Eleanor is nursing like a pro these days. ?We worked with an LC and she was a quick learner. ?So I'm nursing her all the time.

Cordelia is stubborn and doesn't seem to know what to do when she latches on. ?She latches on, freezes up for a minute, then tries to suck for about five seconds, and then freaks out and relatches. ?Repeat, repeat, repeat for about five minutes before I get frustrated and she gets frustrated and I give up and take her off. ?(Also, ouch on my nipples.) ?

We are still working with an LC, but she's out of town for a couple of days. ?She says she has confidence that Cordelia will nurse eventually. ?It's just this meantime that is driving me insane. ?I am having to pump after every one of Eleanor's feedings so Cordelia has EBM for her bottles. ?It's a lot of time and effort. ?I really want them both to nurse and to not really have to pump anymore. ?But I'm afraid that Cordelia will never "get it" and I'll have to keep up with this schedule forever. ?BFing and pumping enough for another baby is exhausting and frustrating and I really don't want to keep this up much longer. ? ?

Has anyone else had a similar situation? ?What did you do? ??

Re: One who nurses and one who doesn't?

  • I am having this situation right now.  DS nurses 3 times per day (was told that is the max for him right now because he was a 33 weeker and they want me to be able to track his calories).  DD has the same latching issues you mentioned above.  I have been meeting with the LC and using the nipple shield once per day, but it is not working so far.  My supply is not the greatest, so I am supplementing with formula as well.  It is very frustrating to BF, pump, and make formula.  Sorry I am not much help, but keep up your efforts!  It sounds like you are doing great.  I am trying to decide what my timeline is going to be, as well.
  • I had this exact situation and I felt the same way.  I was nursing one, giving one a bottle and then pumping. I kept offering the non-nurser the breast (only during the day because I found it too frustrating at night!) and about 6 weeks old, my non-nurser started to "get it".  Within a few days  she was nursing full time along with her sister.  There were times before that when I was sure that she wouldn't ever get it and was ready to stop pumping but am glad I stuck with it.  We're at 4 months and still going strong!  It was such a relief to get rid of the pump when the time came.  Good luck!
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  • Oh, this makes me hopeful. ?They're almost six weeks (actual), so maybe she's getting to the point where she'll get it soon. ?

  • kegkeg member

    I didn't have exactly the same situation, but I had two babies that were initially like Cordelia (mine were born at 35w6d).  They acted like this for the first couple weeks.  I wound up trying nipple shields on the advice of a LC and that seemed to help some, but the recommendation was to wean them off around 39 weeks.  I worked with a LC right around there and they finally seemed to "get it" and they have been good nursers since.  One is a little better and more persistant than the other, but overall, they are doing a great job.  Unfortunately I have supply issues, so I'm doing the pumping and formula route too, but just wanted to give you more hope that Cordelia will eventually "get it".  Good luck! 

    2004-Started TTC; Nov 2007-Lap with endo removed; Jan 2008-Ectopic (mtx); April 2008-IVF #1 (bfp, twin girls); March 2011-FET (cp); June 2012-IVF #2 (bfp, singleton, EDD 3-19-12)

    ***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***

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