she says poop when she's about to or after she has pooped although also says it when she farts. she hides or starts playing differently when she's pooping so we know that's what she's doing. If I ask her if she wants to sit on the potty she says no so I don't push it but she still proceeds to poop. she doesn't like getting diaper changed but sometimes wants to do it herself. she really enjoys getting to watch her poop get flushed. she will sit on the potty and has gone a few times. twice at day care she had already started to go and they put her on the potty to finish once at home that was the case and another time she just sat there with a book and dh and pooped so she was rewarded with a jelly bean. Most recently she has been saying mommy potty or mommy poop and heading to the bathroom but when we get her on the toilet she doesn't do anything. Once we get her diaper back on she goes shortly after. Last weekend she told me poop and I thought she wanted her baby to poop (she was playing with her baby) so she went into the bathroom and put her baby IN the toilet. Within the next few minutes dd pooped in her diaper. A few days ago she said mommy pee pee I think it was and headed for the bathroom. I got her undressed and on the potty but she didn't want to stay there. When she got down she started to put her diaper cover on and peed on the rug. She has also been peeing right after getting into the bathtub lately too or right after bath she peed on her bedroom floor.
I think I am not realizing signs sometimes (baby on the potty one). Do you think this soundds like she's ready for training or should we just roll with what's happening and not push it? I don't want to miss my window but don't want to push her if she's not totally ready.
Re: this talk about potty training makes me wonder if dd is ready?