I am having the hardest time getting rid of yeast on my boobs.
So far, I've been through 2 rounds of Diflucan, probiotics and about to do 4 rounds of Diflucan and Dr. Newman's Nipple Ointment. Has anyone had any luck with the ointment (before I shell out $40 for a tiny tube)? Or if you had better luck with something else, I'm ears! I can't take burning boobs any longer!
Re: Breastfeeding moms
Lotrimin cream. Apply right after BFing, and wash off right before you BF next.
You may want to ask your LC or your sweet baby girls pedi, but we used Gentian Violet. It's an anti-fungal and works wonders (I've never had yeast but 3 of my gfs have) but it's also a dye. Your baby's mouth may be purple for a few days but it does fade.
Try doing some research on it and asking a doc!!! GL!!! I hope you feel better
Oh yeah...ditto on the ladies. GL for going this route. I have successfully bf 2 babies now, each for over a year and hope that I'm not cursed with this third one. It ain't easy but it can be done! Takes a lot of patience! GL
Ha...that's what I had been doing except for I found out, the milk feeds the yeast so no bueno! I now get to do a lovely vinegar rinse.