
How many emergency print jobs can there really be

I have gotten about 6 "emergency" jobs today.  Most of them have errors that someone missed along the way. 

Let's be real they actually think this stuff is so urgent?  It is marketing can liive without it for an extra day or two.

Re: How many emergency print jobs can there really be

  • That's how Friday goes.  Rush to get things done because you feel like you should have had it done by the end of the week, and then when Monday comes nobody cares anyway.

  • My personal favorite, as a designer, is when the copywriters take three weeks on a project then drop it in my lap 6 hours before deadline. Oy.
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  • I am not kidding, one of these jobs was started 6 MONTHS ago.  They finally decide it is OK to go and want it delivered on Tuesday.  It is 3:00 on Friday afternoon...good luck with that one dude. I can't even get a proof until Monday.
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