he's home with the kids.....and I'm rethinking this whole part time/DH home with kids all day thing...here's the run down...in 4 calls to my office to bug me.
1. fight over breakfast because we are one waffle short.
2. load kids into van to go to zoo
3. get to zoo (20 minute drive) and its packed, something is going on down there..they can't get a parking spot anywhere.
4. decide to go to park instead....but no sunscreen, Tay's burnt.
5. get to park, Audrey has to poop.
6. get home, make lunch put the 2 little ones down for nap.
7 find the two little ones in littliest ones room spraying Lysol from teh changing table at each other.
8. can't log Tay onto webkinz...somethign she gets to do occasionally during nap time.
9. I get a call from one of Tay's friends asking her to come over for a play date.....I beg the mom to take AUdrey too.
10...DH is now left with just mitch...can he make it through the day?? can he?? how many more times will he call me?????
DH is a GREAT father...and maybe its just because I"m super annoyed with him today...but seriously...sometimes he is soooo NEEDY on me to provide the answer and solution to all parenting problems...figure it out yourself, dude!!!!
And--I'm in serious need of a data night without kids....probably won't happen this weekend though...boo.
Re: DH's Day...in one post....
Oh man! My dh is home on Fridays, too...with just one kid. All I can say is I hope you are fully expecting the house to be a disaster when you get home!
I know in the beginning my dh called all the time, too, but after making myself unavailable for calls a couple times (ie screening his calls), he stopped.
If he called twice in a row, I knew it was maybe important enough to pick up.