DS had several "sores" on his face as a result of habitual picking. Someone asked me if he had chicken pocks! I started getting on him about picking his face and all of them have cleared up except for one. It's been a month now and he has this one sore on his cheek that he picks picks picks and will most likely scar. I resorted to timeouts yesterday for everytime he picked it. This was after weeks of constant "Stop Picking" over and over and over again. It helped some but I'm at a loss.
I asked his pedi about it but he didn't seem concerned. What can I do to get him to stop? I told the director (who was working the dropoff room this morning) that if she saw him picking his face to make him stop so it has a chance to heal. She said she would tell the other teachers as well. But how can I get him to stop doing this? It's going to leave a terrible scar if he doesn't stop.
Re: Should I just duct tape his hands?
Liam is 5!
My DH did that as a kid (2nd grade?) but with his hair, he had a huge bald patch on his head for the longest time. His is Tourette's related though, hair pulling is a tic believe it or not LOL
Sometimes they really can't help it, like DH - is there any way you can distract him long enough for it to heal, or give him anything to fiddle with when bored, anything to keep his hands busy ? Would he keep mittens or gloves on at all ??
Liam is 5!
Yeah, I hear ya on the thumb. DD does her hair w/one hand, thumb w/the other.
Sorry, I hope he stops soon!