The doctor gave me a week time frame to pick my date...the closer date is in my 37th week and the later dates are in my 38th week..
Which would you pick? Im afraid of my water breaking before the 38th week..and being rushed to the hospital so confused my DH wants to pick the latest date and i want to pick the earilier one
Re: Picking C-Section date
what is your situation re: if you went into labor on your own? Do you live really far from a hospital or something? If there is no issue with getting to a hospital- i would pick the latest date possible.... you want your babies to get every day in there that they can.
chances are you'll go early anyway - but you can make it to 38w (i did). My OB won't even consider scheduleing a c/s before 38w unless there is a medical need.
I picked my date for 37w2d. I picked this date mostly because it was a Friday. This was ideal for us because we wanted our family to be able to come and visit over the weekend. My husband also took a week off of work so we can home on Sunday afternoon and then had the whole week together as a family.
One of the benefits of having a scheduled c/s is that you can try to make it as convenient as possible. I personally don't think there is a big difference between 37 and 38 weeks. My dr. always schedules them around 37w. Pick whatever works best for you!
Im nervous about going into labor on my water breaking in the middle of the night or something like that ....i guess it shouldnt scare me but for some strange reason im petrified..i figured if i schedule it earlier the chances of me going into labor on my own would be less ...then again i have heard that the longer they stay in the confused
Earley Family Blog
We didn't really schedule mine b/c @ 36wks5d I had unexplained bleeding. My dr didn't want to take any chances so since she was on-call that night, we scheduled the induction. It turned into an emergency c/s b/c I was hemoraging so bad. AND, it's a really good thing i was in the hospital b/c had I gone naturally, I would have bled that much and been totally freaked at home.
I would just make sure your ob is the one on call and honestly, I'd take the later date (chances are you won't make it anyway).