I just found this board the other day and have lurked a few times. I thought I should introduce myself before I start posting.
My DH and I are TTC #1. He's 46 and I'm 40 and I've been off of BC for over a year. I tried to read TCOYF and then DH and I took an NFP class at church about a year ago so we could learn more about charting & cycles. I started charting then but then stopped for a few months and have just started back. We are on cycle #2 and I've picked up some OPKs to use this time but am thinking we should probably invest in a CBEFM after this cycle.
Re: Newbie Intro
Welcome and good luck!
The women on this board are super supportive and extremely knowledgeable.
Whatever you face on your journey - which I hope is short! - someone on here knows about it and can help.
Hey, I recognize you from botb I think Welcome to +35.
I have a monitor, I think they are great.
Welcome again to a fab board!
Thanks for the warm welcome, Everyone!
CathMD - I'm on the GP board, not BOTB and I recognize you from there too
Ah. I knew it was one or the other
Welcome to this incredibly helpful board! Like most of the ladies say, "I hope your stay here is short."