
Nervously awaiting a nurse to call back (again...)

I called my OB's office last week about having some pain on my left side.  The nurse wasn't too concerned about it and told me to take some Tylenol.  I've had the same dull pain this whole week and can now feel a mass from the outside.  I had DH feel it last night to verify that I wasn't losing my mind and he insisted that I call the doctor today.  This morning, DD head-butted me and caused a LOT of pain.  It radiated into my back on the same side for a while and was hard to stand up.  That pain is gone, but I have the dull ache again.  I was supposed to call in tomorrow with either a BFP or a BFN, so I felt kind of silly for calling today...but DH (and r9) insisted.  *sigh*  Now, I'm sitting, waiting.  I'm afraid to get too involved in something else (like showering), because she'll call as soon as I get started.  LOL.

Re: Nervously awaiting a nurse to call back (again...)

  • Holy!  That definitely sounds like something to call for.  I would have just scheduled an appointment.  I hope everything is okay.  Let us know!
  • Oh my.  Good luck.  Do you think it's maybe a cyst on your ovary?  I had trouble with cysts before I got pg with C and they were miserable.  Although I never felt them from the outside...Hang in there, and let us know what's going on!
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  • Yes, my guess is that it is a cyst.  It would have to be pretty big for me to feel from the outside, though.  Ugh.
  • Hopefully the nurse will schedule an appointment for you! Hope you're ok..((HUGS))
    CafeMom Tickers

    CafeMom Tickers

    M/C 1/6/10
  • Oh! I hope its something easily treatable and not serious!  I hope you feel better soon! ((hugs))

    L-R: Liam (7), Eimhin (6) and Fionn (4)!  (Irish names)
    Too busy to update the pics for now ... :)

  • Somewhat of an update:

    I talked to my doctor's nurse and she seems to be saying that she thinks I'm starting my period.  That's fine and dandy, but what does that have to do with the mass?  That's what I'm concerned about.  She said she is going to talk to my doctor and then call me back again.  *sigh*
  • Seriously? I would call back and make an apt for today. Good luck!
    Julian David 8/7/06 and Isabella Mia 5/14/09
  • Oh no..I would be showing up at the office and having someone feel it themselves.
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