
Experience with a low lying placenta.....

I had my level two u/s today and the peri said that the anatomies looked great, but that my placenta was a little low.  He said it wasn't previa, but that he would keep an eye on it in my next scans.  Anyone have any experience with a similar situation.  I think I am a little nervous because so far this is the only thing that has sounded like a problem.  Hopefully, I am worrying over nothing...

Thanks :)

Re: Experience with a low lying placenta.....

  • I was told that one of my twins had a low lying placenta at both my 16 and 20 week u/s. I just went at 22 weeks and dr. was confident that she is starting to "move up" and says it shouldn't be problematic as long as she continues to move up by the 6th month. My cervix is still measuring long and closed. Does your dr. measure every u/s?

    So, based on my dr's words, sounds like you still have some time too for the placentas to move up, too. GL and hope all continues to go well for you!

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