I also have an older version! Love it, but never use it. We just don't have the freezer space to buy in bulk and save for later. The canisters were a waste of money however because you have to drag the machine out to seal the canisters everytime you open them.
Mine has been sitting under the kitchen counter now for 6 years... and I can say that it probably hasn't been touched in 3 years.
I don't think we have that particular model (ours doesn't stand upright like that), but we do have a FoodSaver, and I definitely recommend them. My dh and his brothers make sausage every year and vacuum seal TONS of it, and ours has withstood three years of it so far, while some of the other guys' sealers have burned out in a day.
I use it a lot when buying bulk, especially meat, and I also freeze a lot of baked goods. The only thing I don't love is that I hate having to dig it out of the cabinet when I want to use it. If it was more easily accessible to me, I'd use it more, but I don't have anywhere to store it.
We have the older model too and I love it. I buy all my meat at Costco and then repackage it and freeze it. We do have a deep freeze now, but even when I didn't, we would just cram everything in the regular freezer (though that was mostly before kids). I've never tried the canisters or anything like that. Just the bags for freezing. I've also used it for spaghetti sauce, taco meat, etc. Love it. Cannot live without it. Use it at least every month or two - whenever we buy meat.
Re: XP: Food Saver?
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
I also have an older version! Love it, but never use it. We just don't have the freezer space to buy in bulk and save for later. The canisters were a waste of money however because you have to drag the machine out to seal the canisters everytime you open them.
Mine has been sitting under the kitchen counter now for 6 years... and I can say that it probably hasn't been touched in 3 years.
I don't think we have that particular model (ours doesn't stand upright like that), but we do have a FoodSaver, and I definitely recommend them. My dh and his brothers make sausage every year and vacuum seal TONS of it, and ours has withstood three years of it so far, while some of the other guys' sealers have burned out in a day.
I use it a lot when buying bulk, especially meat, and I also freeze a lot of baked goods. The only thing I don't love is that I hate having to dig it out of the cabinet when I want to use it. If it was more easily accessible to me, I'd use it more, but I don't have anywhere to store it.