
yip its definitely FUCKHEAD!!

Over the last couple of days I have heard bentlie refer to her cousin as a Fuckhead... I made her repeat it several times trying to figure out what she was really saying... I thought she was saying butthead and she got in trouble for that.. then today she said it again and I asked her if she was saying butthead.. and she said no and it was a bad word... so i shamely asked her if she was saying fuckhead.... she said yes with a big grin! what the heck??? where did she learn this word... I hate that word more then any other word.. I have no clue where she is getting it!!!

Re: yip its definitely FUCKHEAD!!

  • Maybe her cousin said it?  I'd have a hard time not laughing.
  • I'm sorry - but I laughed when I read this!

    And I thought I had it bad with DD saying "Oh My God" all the time!

    Good luck with this one!

    Delaney Grace - 6/29/06
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  • it is soooooo hard not to die laughing.. it was hard when I had to say the word myself... I couldnt believe I was saying that word to a 2 year old!
  • I thought I had it bad when DD says dammit
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • LOL!  Every time Ian says "shut" it sounds like ".***".  We are always trying to cover that up!
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Fourth Birthday tickersimageimage
  • DS said "oh, f**k" one day when he spilled something. Embarrassed

    I really wasn't too embarrassed. I say it (don't mean to, but I do), and I knew where he picked it up. I told him some people are offended by it, and if he needs to say it to please only do it at home in his room with the door shut. It seems to have worked, as one day he said he needed to use a not nice word and went in his room and said it and came back out! 

  • i am thinking that she got it from her cousin I am so embarrassed about it!!!
  • Mine is on a "Jesus Christ!" kick but at least she is using it in context (this week it was when someone almost hit our car and cut us off)!  I'm trying not to make a huge deal of it as it will only encourage her.  Good luck and hopefully she only says it in private!
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