DD is 2 weeks old. Nursing has been going great. Now all of a sudden I've started to get this tingly/burny feeling in my nipple and a streaking/pulling pain down the side of my breast. It lasts from latch to almost hours later. DD doesn't seem to have spots in her mouth but I can't really get in there to see. My other breast is totally pain free. Everything is red still from it being early in the game so I can't ECM use that as a sign. Appt is this afternoon. Thoughts?
Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
Re: Could this be thrush?
Yes, it sounds like it could be thrush. ?I would go to the doctor to check, though, and rule out mastitis. I had mastitis once and it is TERRIBLE, so I'm very paranoid when others talk about breast pain
ETA: I se you're already going to the doctor, duh!?