Two Under 2

XP: nursing while pregnant/tandem nursing?

I am still nursing DS and it is going great, and I have no plans to wean him anytime soon. But I'm not sure how I feel about tandem nursing.

Anyone have advice/opinions that you'd like to share, if you nursed while pregnant and/or tandem nursed?

Re: XP: nursing while pregnant/tandem nursing?

  • AndLynAndLyn member
    I continued nursing DD until just a week or so ago, when she started showing less interest in it. I was happy to be able to BF so long, but I'm glad she weaned when she did; I really think I'll need this break before starting to BF the new baby.
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  • I bf DD until she was 15 months old, which was 6 months into my pregnancy.  I weaned her at that time because I did not want to tandem nurse my toddler and newborn.  Bfing a newborn is demanding enough, I couldn't imagine still bfing my toddler at the same time.  Plus, my nips really needed a break - they hurt so bad during pregnancy and bfing was excruciating sometimes.  I never researched much about it because I knew I wasn't going to do it.  GL with your decision.
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  • I'm still nursing my DD, usually only 1-2 times a day now (I'm 20 weeks).  I'm just playing things by ear as far as tandem nursing goes but I did get "Adventures in Tandem Nursing" which has really been helpful.

    Good luck to you!

  • I quit nursing about a month in to my pregnancy all I can say is that I wish I had stuck it out longer.  I went against my better judgement and listened to what my doctor suggested vs doing what I knew was right for my baby and me.  I say go as long as it works for you guys.
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  • I'm nursing him still, but I do plan on weaning in the next two months because I don't think I want to nurse them both at the same time and I don't want ds to think the new baby is "stealing" his milk.
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  • Ditto the rec for "Adventures in Tandem Nursing".  It gives you the good, the bad and the ugly.  I read it and was going to give it a shot if my toddler wanted to continue nursing that long, but my milk dried up when he was 13 mo old (4 months into preg) so that made the decision for us!
    Erin & Rick - 9/30/06
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  • I was planning to nurse DS until about 3 months before #2 arrived so there would be a break and he'd be less jealous. It turned out to be a moot point however, because by 9 weeks I dried up. Tongue Tied it was a little traumatic since I hadn't even started weaning.

  • I'm doing twice a day and will just gradually go to one in maybe a month or two.  I think with the amount of time and energy it takes to keep up with a newborn, I don't want to be bfing both.  I want to be done bfing DD a few months before due date. 

    That being said, I am a little sad on the timing because I thought I would go longer, but I think we should all be proud no matter how long we make it!  Obviously you have to decide, but even if I wanted to keep going with DD after new LO gets here, I don't think doing both full time would work for me. 

  • I'm still nursing DS; although, just maybe once a day and then to go to sleep at night.He's not giving it up anytime soon.

    Nursing while pg in the begining was hard b/c it hurt, but I was already tired so IDK if that made a difference or not. Afround 15 weeks my milk changed. I think he's now getting less and it's colstrum, but he doesn' t seem to care!

    Best of luck to you!

  • I'm adding my experience/opinion late, but here it is.

    I WANT to tandem nurse.  Maybe it is because I truly enjoy my BF relationship with my DD, and also because then I won't have to get reaccustomed to the sensation of nursing with a newborn again (I'm rather sensitive and experienced a lot of pain with DD initially despite a good latch).  

    Also, in my mind it will help to curb sibling rivalry.  DD enjoys BFing so much, and still nurses several (like 10+) times a day/night.  If I was to wean her before she's ready she would be jealous of the new baby.  If I can continue to provide her with that special mommy time that she can share with her new sibling, it will be great.  

    I also think of it this way.  I am willing to nurse a toddler, and willing to nurse a newborn, so why not nurse them at the same time?  It is more challenging to juggle, yes.  But I don't feel right denying my DD something she loves that is so good for her just because. 

    I sometimes think I wouldn't mind having a break, but I know that a time will come when my kids are no longer nursing, and I will miss it.  I only have to hold out for a few more years (depending on how many kids we have).

    If you have any questions for me, I'm on the EFF board a lot.

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  • I'm with CrackerJackPrinter; I want to tandem nurse. . .for all the same reasons, too.  DD really likes nursing and I think it will make for an easier transition with the baby while providing us with a built in opportunity to have one-on-one time.  That said, I am night-weaning and we've been working with her on waiting to nurse/sharing her "ta-tas."  She has her dolls (and everything else under the sun) nurse before she nurses now.  I know it isn't exactly the same, but I hope the experience helps with the transition. 
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