Sorry for all of the abbreviations, but hopefully, you catch my drift.
Blaire has been going to daycare 1 day week siince January 2008. Chris took her on his way to his Monday morning staff meetings. Usually getting there around 10. Last month, we upped it to 2 days a week for the summer. I've been getting her there at 9:30 or so all summer. Right before Natalie was born, I subbed a few weeks and had her there at like 8:00. Nthing has ever been said. This past Monday, I took her at 8:00 b/c I had an appointment. All staff is there by 8:00.
Here is the FB message from DCP:
I did not say anything the first time, but I have to say something this time. I had down that Blaire will be there at 10:00 because that is what you had requested, but I have noticed that you are bringing her in before then. I have planned my staffing for the times that children have signed up for and I am needing to know if I need to prepare for her to be coming earlier than the 10:00. I CANNOT allow the staff members to be over because it is aganist the law, so just let me know...because I do not want to be in trouble.
Here is My reply, which I haven't sent yet...
I actually don't remember requesting 10:00, that's just what time I initially said Chris would probably bring her in order to get to his meetings on Mondays at 10:30 downtown. I could be wrong, that was in January of 2008. I've been having her there around 9:30 for some time now. This is the first I've heard of a problem. Several weeks ago, I brought her early and the lady in the 3 year old room said Brandy didn't get there until 8:00. I didn't realize anything about the numbers until then. I brought her right at 8:00 this past Monday b/c I had an appointment. I thought since that was when Brandy got there that would be fine.
I'm sorry - I didn't know I wasn't supposed to wait until 10:00. I would appreciate in the future a phone call or face to face conversation, though, rather than an email.
Also, we're planning on both of them to come in the fall, one day per week, on Tuesdays. Chris's meetings are now at 10:00, so we will need to plan an earlier arrival time.
Is it too bitchy, or does it set the appropriate tone? I mean, I have a few of my own complaints, but they weren't big enough to really bring up. And, if I did, I'd certainly do it in her office. I mean, geez, I talked to her in the hall on the way out Monday morning.
Re: WDYT about DD's DCP sending me this FB message?
Is this a center or a home daycare with staff? Either way that was very unprofessional of her to send you a facebook message about it and not talk to you or your husband at drop off/pick up.
I think what you wrote is fine. I've never heard of only being able to drop off around a certain time. When I worked at a center (both actually) we opened at 6am and as long as we were opened and your child was enrolled in the class it didn't matter what time the parents dropped off. It could be 11am one day and 6am the next.
ETA: Just wanted to add that If it had been an e-mail that was sent because you gave her an e-mail address as a way to communicate daycare issues and she sent it between drop off and pick up fine. Still should have mentioned this at drop off or pick up, but a FB message? That's what has me.
I think you say "wasn't supposed to wait until 10". I think you mean to say you didn't know you were supposed to wait until 10 before dropping DD off.
Sounds fine except personally I wouldn't request a phone call. I don't think you get to dictate how people communicate to you especially if you plan on responding via email.
She should not have used FB. You sound extremely bitchy.
If you don't want her using FB (which is completely unprofessional) to communicate then I agree with your DH. Let her know what you think in person and that you prefer she talk to you in person or leave a note for you or something in DDs cubby.
my dds are at a center and we DO need to say what time they'll be there and when they'll get picked up. I 100% get that. They're open from 7:15 - 6 but obviously not all kids are there during that whole time. They staff accordingly. I agree she should have brought it up face to face, but it seems very reasonable to me if you were typically bringing in your dd around 9;30-10 and then started sometimes bringing her as early as 8 (without talking about it before hand) that it would be something the DCP would want to clear up and set guidelines.
Again though, I do agree she should have brought it up in person to explain where she's coming from. I don't think her email was confrontational necessarily but by writing it all out, it seems more confrontational then a simple conversation would have been.
I think the tone in her email was polite and just a heads up. I understand why she might need to know if you are bringing in your DD a little early just so she can make sure she has enough coverage.
I think your tone comes off as confrontational and a little hostile. I agree with everyone else that you should talk to her in person if you don't want to communicate via email.
Liam is 5!
I agree with the pp. If you don't want her to be communicating through FB or email than don't continue the cycle yourself.
Also, I don't think she's being unreasonable by expecting to know when your DC will be there. Just because there is staff there doesn't mean they are not there for the DC they are anticipating 10 minutes after you leave. I think it's much more unreasonable on your part to expect you can drop off DC whenever you need to with no advance notice.