
so l totally judged a mom and dad at our beach today...

our beach has a kiddie pool and there was a little girl in one of those bathing suits with the built in she was about 2.5.  her parents are sitting on lounge reading the paper, mom talking to her friend...neither paying attention to their DD going into the pool.

granted there's a lifeguard, but still....l thought that was awful. why would anyone act like its ok for her to go in the water alone...esp with the ocean RIGHT.THERE!

 a couple of minutes go by and the mom waves to her DD in the pool..doesn't even looked surprised that she's in there and just continued her conversation with her friend.  

Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image

Re: so l totally judged a mom and dad at our beach today...

  • I think those bathing suits give people a false sense of security!  You just can't be too careful around water.
  • that is why no floaties are allowed at our pool and I'm pisssed about it! Too many parents ignore their kids while they are wearing them and our pool had a bunch of close calls. It sucks for those (ME) who watch my kid like a hawk, floaties or no floaties.


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  • I agree with you. I don't let S wear any floaties....agree with it giving a false sense of security!
    Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image
  • I would judge them too.  I barely even take my hands off of Will in the water, definitely not my eyes!
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