We had the Fisher Price Aquarium tub for DS and hated it. It always left marks on his back and we were contantly trying to keep him from slipping down off of the "ledge".
I need to get a new tub in the next week or so but would love to have some rec's. When we got the 1st one, it got great reviews on BRU. Now if you look, lots of people are saying the same thing that we did.
So... any tubs that you have loved?? Thank you!
Re: Rec's for baby bathtub?
We had the same one and liked it as well. I think the brand was The First Years.
I have this. I use it in the tub and the shower. I like it, I used it with dd too. it also fits in some sinks.
I also used this one after hating the fisher price one. We loved it and have it saved for baby #2.
I have a $9.99 folding tub from BRU. Worked fine. By the time she outgrew it she could sit up and she went into the munchkin duck tub.
This time I'll either use that or get one of those mesh sling thingies to put this one in the tub with DD. Sling thingie: https://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3265055
this - to give DS a little more stability we used one of those yellow $5 large sponges shaped like a bear that you can get at Target. It was GREAT - DS could lay back comfortably.