How many kids are coming? Could you do a small gift/favor instead of bags? My 4 year old got a magnifying glass at a party, and she loved it. You could do something like that. I saw some inexpensive binoculars at Babystyle when it was open. New markers? It would easier to buy all the kids the same small gift instead of putting bags together, I think. Just stick a bow on them and done!
Oh, just noticed that it looks like the party is for your 1 year old. I don't think my suggestions helped much since they're not really age-appropriate. Sorry!
What's the theme? ?DD went to a party where the favor was a book. ?There was a giant basket of little books (dora, diego, backyardigans, care bears, etc) and all the kids got to pick one. DD loved it, and I loved it because it wasn't crap that was going to get thrown away, eaten or lost in the seats of the car!
Re: WWYD: Birthday Goodie Bags