There is a lady at DS's daycare that I just cannot stand. She's not friendly, opens the door to you in the morning, doesn't even say good morning, hello, nothing. She takes her sweet time getting to the door, and then is sometimes late (not so much now since I said something because she was making me late by opening 10-15 minutes late).
Anyway, she never remembers anything I tell her. Not when I bring swim diapers, notes for the director, whatever. She has even put my check payment in her pocket once and took it home.
Anyway, today it was chilly this morning so I put pants on DS, but it was supposed to be in the 80s later. I tell her that I brought shorts for him and could they please change him when they go outside.
I get home, DH had picked up DS and he was still in pants and DH said they were outside when he picked him up.
He had to call the director for something else, so mentioned to her that we had asked him to be changeed, blah, blah, blah.
The director says she doesn't blame the teacher for this because she has a lot going on. First, DS is always the first and only child there when I drop him off, and isn't her job to take care of him?
If there are other teachers later, she should be responsible to fill them in on any requests paretns have and if she can't remember she needs to write it down.
The director wants me to take the time each morning to write a note. I sort of see her point with certain instructions, medicine what not, but seriously? It's 80 degrees out and you can't use common sense to say "hey, does DS have shorts in his cubby, it's warm out?"
Maybe I'm wrong, but with what I pay for daycare, I don't understand having to write explicit instructions everyday.
Re: Daycare question
I agree, every detail would be tough, but with a four to one ratio, I can't imagine that they couldn't realize that he has pants on and it's 80, esp. when they make a big deal out of having extra clothes in the cubby all the time.
Eh, maybe I'll ask about instruction sheets.
I guess I can see both sides. Yes, your DS is the only one there, so it shouldn't be hard to keep track of him. But by the time afternoon rolls around and there are other kids, she might forget any verbal instructions that you gave her much earlier. I think that the director is right, you should bring a note if you want something specific.
The being late thing is a totally different problem. She should be there when you agreed that you would drop off DS and being late is unacceptable.
Right, but what are you supposed to do when it's 50 degrees in the morning and 85 in the afternoon. So, they don't want to do what I pay them for and take care of their physical needs, so he has to either come in shorts and freeze or go in pants and sweat?
I can understand they have a lot of kids, but so what? There is supposed to be a ratio of 1 to 4, and if they are busier than that they need more help. I think my main problem is I see a spike in issues like this in the summer, when they take on older kids for latchkey in the summer, and I don't think they up their help enough.
Just because they want to do a summer latchkey doesn't mean my child should suffer. I don't get to pay less in the summer, so why less care?
I think, unfortunately, this is another case of not being able to display all angles of this in a post. Regardless, I appreciate the feedback.