
Calling all experts in reproductive science, lol

Question for you: is there any significance in a lengthening cycle? When I had DD I was a 25-day cycle person. After her it went to 28 days, then 30 days for quite a while, and this cycle I'm on day 33 & still no AF. Do you know if it means anything? It's not a sign of your fertility slowing down or anything is it? Sorry if that's an incredibly dumb question.

Re: Calling all experts in reproductive science, lol

  • that's what mine has done. ?I was consistently 28-days for years and years. ?After Ethan, it has been spreading out to anywhere from 30-35 days. ?I have no idea if that can be related to why we're having a hard time getting pregnant or not. ?
  • Same happened to me.  And I now ovulate on like cd 21 not cd14. 
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  • Exactly, michaeltrish. This past cycle I didn't ovulate until CD20. Are you guys gently trying to tell me I'm getting old? Is it time for me to join the Golden Girls? Urgh.
  • Kelly - We would love to initiate you into the Golden Girls club but maybe as an honorary member.  You aren't quite old enough, dear.  lol.
  • It's OK, I'm quite happy to be called too young for something, thanks ;)
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