Babies: 9 - 12 Months

ok let's talk about our favorite nyc212 moments since she's gone!

a memorial service, if you will.


1) night nurse to feed her newborn for three months so she could sleep. 

2)  will get TWO nannies to take care of her future children. provides more 'one on one' time.  lol  she believed a 'childcare professional' trumps a mom in being able to provide care and stimulation. lol again

 3) ate only icing for days in a row post partum, but wasnt sure why her milk wasn't coming in. 

 4) her biggest fear is that her child will not be academically successful or intelligent. 

 5) her son was taking 45000 classes a week.

 6)  add your own!





Re: ok let's talk about our favorite nyc212 moments since she's gone!

  • I think you covered them all.
  • She has a spreadsheet.

    I thought that Bump-right was reserved for you and you only, Mod!!

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  • How do you remember all of these? I cant' remember anything about nesties unless I see a siggy.... They have to be seriously infamous for me to remember. Do you have a spreadsheet going Mod? Hmmmm....
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • imageGarnetbaby09:
    How do you remember all of these? I cant' remember anything about nesties unless I see a siggy.... They have to be seriously infamous for me to remember. Do you have a spreadsheet going Mod? Hmmmm....


    uhh she was too amazing to forget! lol

  • I totally thought BrahimBride had the night nurse. Shows what I know.
  • eta: deleted duplicate

  • eta: deleted duplicate

  • imagePattypoundcake:
    I totally thought BrahimBride had the night nurse. Shows what I know.
    Ummm, which one of us wasn't jealous at one time our another that she got to snooze and we were up for the 5th time that night?  So she had money... so what?  Is that a reason to hate?  I would love to have the resources she has to put my girls in lots of class!

    I liked her.  And my ACTUAL favorite nyc212 moments where when she would share her wedding pictures.  She knew it was extravagant and flame worthy :::enter eyeroll for those who would flame about a wedding that wasn't theirs::: so those of us who really wanted to enjoy the pics of a beautiful wedding never really got to.

  • kem717kem717 member
    I, too, don't know who she is unless I see a siggy.  I vaguely remember a couple months ago a discussion about the cost of weddings and two nesties had crazy totals.  Was she one of them?
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • imageFolanMama:

    I totally thought BrahimBride had the night nurse. Shows what I know.
    Ummm, which one of us wasn't jealous at one time our another that she got to snooze and we were up for the 5th time that night?  So she had money... so what?  Is that a reason to hate?  I would love to have the resources she has to put my girls in lots of class!

    I liked her.  And my ACTUAL favorite nyc212 moments where when she would share her wedding pictures.  She knew it was extravagant and flame worthy :::enter eyeroll for those who would flame about a wedding that wasn't theirs::: so those of us who really wanted to enjoy the pics of a beautiful wedding never really got to.


    Um...Ok...I didn't say having a night nurse was a bad thing...I just thought it was someone else. 


    My favorite NYC moment was the $300 burberry outfit for her baby. It was totally cute! 

  • imagePattypoundcake:

    I totally thought BrahimBride had the night nurse. Shows what I know.
    Ummm, which one of us wasn't jealous at one time our another that she got to snooze and we were up for the 5th time that night?  So she had money... so what?  Is that a reason to hate?  I would love to have the resources she has to put my girls in lots of class!

    I liked her.  And my ACTUAL favorite nyc212 moments where when she would share her wedding pictures.  She knew it was extravagant and flame worthy :::enter eyeroll for those who would flame about a wedding that wasn't theirs::: so those of us who really wanted to enjoy the pics of a beautiful wedding never really got to.


    Um...Ok...I didn't say having a night nurse was a bad thing...I just thought it was someone else. 


    My favorite NYC moment was the $300 burberry outfit for her baby. It was totally cute! 

    Soooooo wasn't calling you out.  Sorry, I hit the quote button incorrectly.  I am having a VERY bump challenged day.  I intended to hit reply, and it allll went downhill from there... hence the duplicate posts.  I'm still pattypoundcake lovin'. Cake
  • I like nyc and her extravagant ways. ?I smell a whole lot of envy up in here.

    the bug & bee blog
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  • imageFolanMama:

    I totally thought BrahimBride had the night nurse. Shows what I know.
    Ummm, which one of us wasn't jealous at one time our another that she got to snooze and we were up for the 5th time that night?  So she had money... so what?  Is that a reason to hate?  I would love to have the resources she has to put my girls in lots of class!

    I liked her.  And my ACTUAL favorite nyc212 moments where when she would share her wedding pictures.  She knew it was extravagant and flame worthy :::enter eyeroll for those who would flame about a wedding that wasn't theirs::: so those of us who really wanted to enjoy the pics of a beautiful wedding never really got to.

    OK, I am not on the NYC hate wagon, but I think part of the reason that was brought up is that, if memory serves, the 3 months of night nurse was her "push present" from her hubby. 

    Also, I can honestly say that NO, I was NOT jealous of having a night nurse then. I can't imagine having a stranger comforting my brand new baby all night long while I slept in another room. The overnights were a huge part of MY (I realize not everyone's) bonding process.

  • imagekem717:
    I, too, don't know who she is unless I see a siggy.  I vaguely remember a couple months ago a discussion about the cost of weddings and two nesties had crazy totals.  Was she one of them?
    she was the one who wouldn't share, but eluded to the fact that her total would put the other girl (whose wedding was also GORGEOUS) to shame.  Damn snarky bumpies for stopping her from feeding my curiosity!!!
  • I wouldn't trade those sleepless nights for anything. Waking up a million times a night with my baby is a memory that I will have forever :) I can't imagine paying some stranger to do something so precious to me.

  • imageFolanMama:

    I totally thought BrahimBride had the night nurse. Shows what I know.
    Ummm, which one of us wasn't jealous at one time our another that she got to snooze and we were up for the 5th time that night?  So she had money... so what?  Is that a reason to hate?  I would love to have the resources she has to put my girls in lots of class!

    I liked her.  And my ACTUAL favorite nyc212 moments where when she would share her wedding pictures.  She knew it was extravagant and flame worthy :::enter eyeroll for those who would flame about a wedding that wasn't theirs::: so those of us who really wanted to enjoy the pics of a beautiful wedding never really got to.


    I agree with this. She lives in a place where things are different and she has money. I liked her. I liked hearing about her different lifestyle. I wish I had a night nurse a million times. So what omg that makes me a bad mom huh. It is the same as listening to people complain about not having money all the time imo. It is just something to talk about.

  • Her son was the cutest with the pouty little lips. He looked like a little jet-setter. The bragging was kinda annoying I guess, but the siggy pics made it worthwhile.
  • I don't see what the big deal is... she has money and can afford these things. Most people on the Nest/Bump are well below that stability level so it's unusual to see but she has the right to share her lifestyle as much as we all do.


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  • This is the interwebs. It all could be all we know.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • imagehappilyhis:
    Her son was the cutest with the pouty little lips. He looked like a little jet-setter. The bragging was kinda annoying I guess, but the siggy pics made it worthwhile.
    ditto this exactly, happily....her son is GORGEOUS.  definitely a little heartbreaker in the making...Wink
  • imagemlf625:

    I like nyc and her extravagant ways.  I smell a whole lot of envy up in here.

    seriously.  it is disgusting.  and i barf at people who say they looooooooooved getting up in the middle of the night.  i spent a lot of the middle of the night crying.

  • Was this the same lady who in the 3rd trimester spent $100/yd on fabric for the nursery? I can't remember who did that.
  • imageABMcKinney:

    I wouldn't trade those sleepless nights for anything. Waking up a million times a night with my baby is a memory that I will have forever :) I can't imagine paying some stranger to do something so precious to me.


    Very true. Even though I was sleep deprived and miserable at the time, I have very sweet memories of kissing his little NB crying face late at night while he was on the changing table getting his diaper change. And of rocking him to sleep. I am going to get teary, so I need to stop now Embarrassed

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    DD #1 passed away in January 2011 at 14 days old due to congenital heart disease
    DD#2 lost in January 2012 at 23 weeks due to anhydramnios caused by a placental abruption
  • Lol. I didn't necessarily love not getting enough sleep, but I loved the moments that Robbie and I shared in the middle of the night. It was just amazing sitting in the glider and feeding him and looking at him. It makes me tear up just to think about it. He was so little and wonderful and now if he wakes up in the middle of the night he gets in our bed and kicks us. Not so precious.
  • imageJollyGreenGoat:
    Was this the same lady who in the 3rd trimester spent $100/yd on fabric for the nursery? I can't remember who did that.
    Nooo. That was someone else. I don't think she's even around anymore. She was weird. She had pictures of her inlaws & their "toys". Like thier boat & cars in her bio. Yeah ok weirdo.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • She had money, and we all knew that for a reason. She boasted about her income (told some people the exact figures), and constantly made it a point to let people know that she had money.

    There are a lot of people that do well here...but you don't see them going around these parts flaunting it. It showed a certain level of insecurity, if you ask me.

    Her DS was adorable, but her bragging was ugly, IMO.  And to leave the board because Punk made her cry is totally lame.  She obviously couldn't hang and I am not sad to see her go. 

    :flamesuit ON:

  • Ugh those were not my night time memories at all. They still are not.

    My favorite time is picking her up out of her crib when she wakes upin the morning and her smiling and lighting up when she sees me. 

    Between pumping and her waking up all night screaming from reflux I wanted to die from no sleep. 

  • image*blondiem*:

    She had money, and we all knew that for a reason. She boasted about her income (told some people the exact figures), and constantly made it a point to let people know that she had money.

    There are a lot of people that do well here...but you don't see them going around these parts flaunting it. It showed a certain level of insecurity, if you ask me.

    Her DS was adorable, but her bragging was ugly, IMO.  And to leave the board because Punk made her cry is totally lame.  She obviously couldn't hang and I am not sad to see her go. 

    :flamesuit ON:


    everybody KNEW she had money because she let everybody know.  it was sad.

    and, i'm sorry, but if someone was constantly complaining about their lack of money you would find it just as annoying.

  • imageMonkeybuttwhat:

    Between pumping and her waking up all night screaming from reflux I wanted to die from no sleep. 

    I can't imagine dealing with reflux. I bet that was hard! I've just heard so many awful stories on these boards about reflux and besides being stressful it sounds scary!

  • It was seriously awful. I wasn't reaching out for a lot of help because I was so worried about beng seen as complaining. It took us a long time to get pregnant and a lot of the people on 0-6 pretended like everything was so easy tc maybe it was for them...not me, I was in hell. There were no sweet night time memories. There was me with a screaming baby, a husband and step kids who could not sleep through the screaming, a baby who could not lay down to sleep. We took shifts staying up around the clock letting her sleep on us with me pumping around the clock. It was not magical it was HELL. A night time nurse would have helped me not start seeing things from lack of sleep. We had no one to help us.On top of us both in college and working. Him OOT alot.

    I love her to death and always did but thing did not get fun until she was about 4-6 months old somewhere in there. It is all a blur of no sleep I have no idea when. 

    It just saddens me when people judge others and say oh I wouldn't do that etc etc you just never know what someone is going through. I bet a bunch of you didn;t know I was going through all of that because I didn't talk about it. I didn;t want to be seen as complaining about having a baby there was so much daily flaming going on with 0-6 from 6-12ers when  I was a new mom.

  • Ali212Ali212 member

    I live in NYC (was born here and still live here) and am raising my child here.  I only post occasionally here but ended up catching some of her posts...I recall them only b/c I am from here and they did seem a bit showy but I found it funny...being a New Yorker, her posts came across as someone not from NYC who was trying to compensate / show off a bit....I just got a laugh honestly.  As showy and extravagant as she may have come off on the Bump, to a NYCer, she came across as someone kind of middle-of-the-road.  NYC is a crazy place...having a night nurse for 3 months is nothing here, I have friends who have had 24-hour nurses for 6 months (and its NOT a push present, it's just what happens when they have a baby...they also get extravagant gifts).  BUT, I should also add that my friends and family who are in these crazy wealthy financial situations do not talk about it really....maybe that's part of being born with it, maybe that's part of having some sense of class and style....I don't know.  That's why I just found her a bit funny - she was kind of gauche and tacky about it. 

    Honestly, in NYC she was junior league in terms of $$ (her husband was a lawyer if i recall - finance is where the $$ is here, not law) but I think she got a fair amount of satisfaction about feeling 'better' (at least in financial terms b/c that seemed to be important to her) than others on the Bump.    I guess it's an insecurity but, if I recall, she wasn't from here originally anyway so I think she was coming from a place where the place she is now is more financially healthier so she was impressed by herself. 

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  • imageAli212:

    I live in NYC (was born here and still live here) and am raising my child here.  I only post occasionally here but ended up catching some of her posts...I recall them only b/c I am from here and they did seem a bit showy but I found it funny...being a New Yorker, her posts came across as someone not from NYC who was trying to compensate / show off a bit....I just got a laugh honestly.  As showy and extravagant as she may have come off on the Bump, to a NYCer, she came across as someone kind of middle-of-the-road.  NYC is a crazy place...having a night nurse for 3 months is nothing here, I have friends who have had 24-hour nurses for 6 months (and its NOT a push present, it's just what happens when they have a baby...they also get extravagant gifts).  BUT, I should also add that my friends and family who are in these crazy wealthy financial situations do not talk about it really....maybe that's part of being born with it, maybe that's part of having some sense of class and style....I don't know.  That's why I just found her a bit funny - she was kind of gauche and tacky about it. 

    Honestly, in NYC she was junior league in terms of $$ (her husband was a lawyer if i recall - finance is where the $$ is here, not law) but I think she got a fair amount of satisfaction about feeling 'better' (at least in financial terms b/c that seemed to be important to her) than others on the Bump.    I guess it's an insecurity but, if I recall, she wasn't from here originally anyway so I think she was coming from a place where the place she is now is more financially healthier so she was impressed by herself. 

    i felt the same (live in NY and work in NYC).. she just seemed kinda normal to me compared to lots of people around here (NY area), although a bit showy at times...

  • imagelisaNov3:

    I live in NYC (was born here and still live here) and am raising my child here.  I only post occasionally here but ended up catching some of her posts...I recall them only b/c I am from here and they did seem a bit showy but I found it funny...being a New Yorker, her posts came across as someone not from NYC who was trying to compensate / show off a bit....I just got a laugh honestly.  As showy and extravagant as she may have come off on the Bump, to a NYCer, she came across as someone kind of middle-of-the-road.  NYC is a crazy place...having a night nurse for 3 months is nothing here, I have friends who have had 24-hour nurses for 6 months (and its NOT a push present, it's just what happens when they have a baby...they also get extravagant gifts).  BUT, I should also add that my friends and family who are in these crazy wealthy financial situations do not talk about it really....maybe that's part of being born with it, maybe that's part of having some sense of class and style....I don't know.  That's why I just found her a bit funny - she was kind of gauche and tacky about it. 

    Honestly, in NYC she was junior league in terms of $$ (her husband was a lawyer if i recall - finance is where the $$ is here, not law) but I think she got a fair amount of satisfaction about feeling 'better' (at least in financial terms b/c that seemed to be important to her) than others on the Bump.    I guess it's an insecurity but, if I recall, she wasn't from here originally anyway so I think she was coming from a place where the place she is now is more financially healthier so she was impressed by herself. 

    i felt the same (live in NY and work in NYC).. she just seemed kinda normal to me compared to lots of people around here (NY area), although a bit showy at times...

    That is what I always thought. It is just the way.

    *sings NY state of mind*

  • imageMiss.Modular:

    1) night nurse to feed her newborn for three months so she could sleep. 

    2)  will get TWO nannies to take care of her future children. provides more 'one on one' time.  lol  she believed a 'childcare professional' trumps a mom in being able to provide care and stimulation. lol again 

    3) ate only icing for days in a row post partum, but wasnt sure why her milk wasn't coming in. 

     4) her biggest fear is that her child will not be academically successful or intelligent. 

     5) her son was taking 45000 classes a week.

     6)  add your own!

    1.  I would have LOVED a night nurse.  One of my friends has one and I am so jealous (retroactively), even though DD sleeps through the night now.  That's how much I hated being up.  I don't see what's wrong with this.

    2.  This was a bit much, but is typical for NYC.  One nanny does activities with one kid, the second nanny takes care of the newborn.  And I really think you're stretching here with her supposed "reasoning."

    3.  What's wrong with icing?  People who eat perfectly healthy have problems with BF.  Hell, I only ate fiber one bars for the first 6 weeks...not for why you would think, but because they were convenient and didn't require cooking.

    4.  One of my biggest fears is also that DD won't be intelligent or academically successful.  What's important to some isn't important to others.  Flame away.

    5.  Again, NYC type living.

    Methinks someone is a bit green...



    Playing with Papa at the Beach
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  • imageMiss.Modular:

    a memorial service, if you will.


    1) night nurse to feed her newborn for three months so she could sleep. 

    2)  will get TWO nannies to take care of her future children. provides more 'one on one' time.  lol  she believed a 'childcare professional' trumps a mom in being able to provide care and stimulation. lol again

     3) ate only icing for days in a row post partum, but wasnt sure why her milk wasn't coming in. 

     4) her biggest fear is that her child will not be academically successful or intelligent. 

     5) her son was taking 45000 classes a week.

     6)  add your own!


    I especially remember #2 and #6, but missed #1. Does she work? I knew a couple where the wife was a SAHM and they hired a night nurse. I judged, and still judge. I guess if you have to be at work at 7am I could understand, but I would have felt like a slacker if I had done that. Not jealous one bit. I don't care where you live, it's still a lazy wasteful lifestyle IMO.

    ETA: I actually never found her offensive at all (just kind of eye-roll-worthy occasionally, but who isn't) until the FFFC. So juvenile and b!tchy.

  • The night nurse was NYC? I thought that was someone else for some reason.
  • imageLoriFalce:
    The night nurse was NYC? I thought that was someone else for some reason.

    BB was going to get a night nurse as well. but this was after month's of E's supposed non-sleeping.

  • imageAli212:

    I live in NYC (was born here and still live here) and am raising my child here.  I only post occasionally here but ended up catching some of her posts...I recall them only b/c I am from here and they did seem a bit showy but I found it funny...being a New Yorker, her posts came across as someone not from NYC who was trying to compensate / show off a bit....I just got a laugh honestly.  As showy and extravagant as she may have come off on the Bump, to a NYCer, she came across as someone kind of middle-of-the-road.  NYC is a crazy place...having a night nurse for 3 months is nothing here, I have friends who have had 24-hour nurses for 6 months (and its NOT a push present, it's just what happens when they have a baby...they also get extravagant gifts).  BUT, I should also add that my friends and family who are in these crazy wealthy financial situations do not talk about it really....maybe that's part of being born with it, maybe that's part of having some sense of class and style....I don't know.  That's why I just found her a bit funny - she was kind of gauche and tacky about it. 

    Honestly, in NYC she was junior league in terms of $$ (her husband was a lawyer if i recall - finance is where the $$ is here, not law) but I think she got a fair amount of satisfaction about feeling 'better' (at least in financial terms b/c that seemed to be important to her) than others on the Bump.    I guess it's an insecurity but, if I recall, she wasn't from here originally anyway so I think she was coming from a place where the place she is now is more financially healthier so she was impressed by herself. 


    To me a person who has to talk about money or what they can buy with money have no class. If you got it, fine. If you have to brag about it you've missing the big picture.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • imageMomma.Brown:

    The night nurse was NYC? I thought that was someone else for some reason.

    BB was going to get a night nurse as well. but this was after month's of E's supposed non-sleeping.

    I remember the chick who said she needed a night nurse because she wanted to be fresh for work in the morning, and the stink that stirred. Was that NYC? I just didn't think it was. Hmm. I may be mixing her up with the chick who was continually flipping out on her daycare center.

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