
RL Pain?

How do you describe round ligament pain if you experienced it??

I have been having this pulling sensation/ "charlie horse" feeling for several weeks--I noticed it more when I was living abroad in the city and had to walk everywhere. Now that I have a car and don't have to travel on foot as much, I haven't noticed that specific pain that I just sometimes feel a heaviness or tightness during the day sometimes. Is that RL pain or something else?

Any feedback is appreciated--thanks!

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Re: RL Pain?

  • I found that if I stayed hydrated the pain wasn't as bad.  I hope you are able to find relief!
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  • Sounds like very mild Braxton-Hicks.  I got them from about 20-some weeks on up until the end.  It's normal, uncomfortable and mine seemed to get worse from walking alot.  Definitely make sure you drink enough water, it helps. 
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  • I experience RLP about 1/week ow that we are gettign bigger!  It hurts REALLY BAD!  It is either side of my pelvic area and it (for me) comes out of no where...  hard core pulling along with sever pain.  It drops me to my knees!  Usually it occurs when I turn from side to side while lying down, but it takes my breath away.  I never had it this bad when pg with my daughter 4 yrs ago...
  • My RLP was a pulling (i guess charlie horse like is a good way to put it) pain that is focused directly between my hip bome and belly button. It would make it impossible for me to roll over in bed - even before size was an issue.

    I agree with the PP, the heaviness & tightness you are describing sounds more like Braxton Hicks. If I am doing too much, I can feel my entire belly get really tight and heavy. Sitting down and drinking water helps.  

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