How do you describe round ligament pain if you experienced it??
I have been having this pulling sensation/ "charlie horse" feeling for several weeks--I noticed it more when I was living abroad in the city and had to walk everywhere. Now that I have a car and don't have to travel on foot as much, I haven't noticed that specific pain that I just sometimes feel a heaviness or tightness during the day sometimes. Is that RL pain or something else?
Any feedback is appreciated--thanks!
Re: RL Pain?
My RLP was a pulling (i guess charlie horse like is a good way to put it) pain that is focused directly between my hip bome and belly button. It would make it impossible for me to roll over in bed - even before size was an issue.
I agree with the PP, the heaviness & tightness you are describing sounds more like Braxton Hicks. If I am doing too much, I can feel my entire belly get really tight and heavy. Sitting down and drinking water helps.