
So, who is going to have another baby??



IF (and that a BIG ole IF) I do it will be in a few years...need to get buy in first :o)

Mum to Owen and Lucas Daisypath Wedding tickers>

Re: So, who is going to have another baby??

  • Hopefully me.............................someday.
  • Me, if only someone can tell my ovaries to get in the same line of thinking.
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
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  • Not it!
    photos by jennied photography

    Alissa Jean

  • ::raising hand slightly::

    We were all set to wait until next summer [like July], but we may go for it this fall.  We both have quite a bit of baby fever, and our boss [Jackson] has been requesting a baby sister.  :)

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • I'm hoping for a BFP within the next few days!
  • E- you know that BOSS is right (and damn kah-ute!)- you guys need to get on that. Literally.

    Mum to Owen and Lucas Daisypath Wedding tickers>
  • I'm getting my tubes tied this time, so 3 is it for us.
  • We are going to start TTC in October. 
    Big Brother Logan Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Baby Miles Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Bryan Smith - Freelance Photography Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • me....ttc in spring/summer ish next year
    mom to Noel 3.17.07 Morgan 4.9.08 Taylor 10.27.10 Baby #4 Due in July mc 2.3.06
  • imageAmanda&Chris:
    I'm getting my tubes tied this time, so 3 is it for us.


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I'm pretty glad I've been off the pill and have been taking prenatal vitamins for a year now - it at least gives us the flexibility to try immediately if we so desire.  :)  And I live to make Jackson happy, of course!  haha.
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • I want to enjoy the rest of my summer sans m/s (drinking with friends, not throwing up, eating normal food) and will probably ttc in the fall.
  • There is no way in hell I would even consider another baby.

    Unlessssss there was a way to be 125% sure that it would NOT be a girl

  • We still go back and forth on this, but as of today I want another. I'd like to TTC this winter and hopefully end up with a 4-year gap. Two is our definite max though!
  • imageshopgirl78:

    I'm getting my tubes tied this time, so 3 is it for us.


    Ditto, except DH got a vasectomy instead. 

  • imagesquishywife:
    me....ttc in spring/summer ish next year

    us too hopefully!

    Michelle Mommy to Kayleigh, Audrey and Faith. image
  • Me. Someday. We were supposed to start ttc last month, but my change of job has put it on hold indefinitely. It blows. I'm thinking we won't try until next summer/fall now, due to qualifying for maternity leave, and daycare issues. And I really want another summer baby. My family (except me now!) is made up of a lot of teachers, so it would work out nicely for my mom to come stay... Unless I get a surprise BFP in between now and then. :) sigh.
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • tubes are tied, 2 is more than enough
  • We just started to ttc #3, after this DH gets the old snippy snip!
    Rebecca- mom to 3 kids: DS born 2005, DD born 2007 and DS born 2010.
  • We plan on at least one more.  Not sure when though.
  • I think we'd probably like 2 more after this, but realistically, we'll have one more.

    That's if I don't totally lose my marbles having 2. I reserve the right to recant the above statement.

    Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
  • We will be in about 8 or 9 months.
    Mommy to three adorable boys!
  • Won't be adding any more biological children, but we may eventually adopt a little girl.
  • I would really like to be next but there are a few others that I'd like to see before me.
  • We've been TTC since November. I just started cycle #7. So, hopefully I'll get pg very soon. I'm so OVER TTC. LOL
    Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
    Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
  • We will try when DD is in school full time so in 3 years or so.
  • Me, but not for a few years.  I need to break the 14 month apart streak.
  • I am hoping for a bfp this week;) We have been ttc baby #2 for 13 months now with 2 mc's....soo not fun!
  • TTC next month and really hoping to get pg in Sept. (wishful thinking, I know, but it would be great timing with my teacher schedule)

    Sometimes I wonder if we are crazy.  We aren't broke but we don't have tons left over every month.  Then again, if you wait until you can afford kids you won't ever have them.  I wouldn't mind it happening on "accident" so that I wouldn't feel guilty and so I wouldn't have to worry about TTC.

  • We have been trying for #3 since November.  Got pg first try, m/c'd at 9 weeks, then had a chemical pg, and are now in 2WW of cycle #4.  Ready and waiting for that BFP!!!
    Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005
  • imageAndrewsgal:
    We will try when DD is in school full time so in 3 years or so.




    Allison Drew 10.13.06,Reid 12.11.07,& Baby #3 EDD 10.12.11image
  • Not me. Unless DH's vasectomy reverses itself on it's own.
  • It'll be at least another year before we TTC #4. However, #2 nor #3 were planned. They were conceived way before our "target" of when we'd start to TTC. So we'll see. DD #2 is only 4.5 months old, I'm not ready to be pg quite yet!
  • For now we are done #3 is coming soon. DH says we are done for good, but I don't feel like we are. He forgets I'm the boss of the applesauce ;) But maybe when #3 is turning 3 or so.
  • Planning on ttc this winter!
  • Wow! I didn't realize how many people were TTC right now, or going to be this fall.

    We are current trying for #2...

  • omg...I so thought you were going to say you were pg!
    Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11
  • Me I hope! At least one more, possibly two more, we'll see.
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