
We're celebrating B's first birthday tomorrow

He turns 1 on Tuesday but we're having his party tomorrow.

I cannot believe it.  Seriously, this year has flown by!

Here are some PIPs to celebrate the event:





Me with my littlest.

Re: We're celebrating B's first birthday tomorrow

  • OMG, has it been that long really?  And seriously, SOOOO cute.
    Jesse - mommy of Brooke 6/15/06 and Taylor 9/1/07 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image
  • Aw!!! Happy Birthday B!

    J's birthday is next Saturday. I cannot believe how fast this year has gone. And now, they run in different directions at the park. I thought I would have more time before that happened.

    Oh, and YGM.


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  • aw, he is such a gorgeous little guy!  Happy Birthday B!

    And I hear ya...I still cannot believe Noah is already 6 months.  I will be in your shoes before I know it. : )

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  • REOMREOM member

    Awww, he is *really* cute!

    Happy Birthday B!  That means we are only 10 weeks behind - yikes

    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
  • Wow!  That went fast.  Happy Birthday.
    Madelyn 3/1/07 image, Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • Wow- I can't believe you've been a mommy of two for a year! Congratulations and a big Happy Birthday to B! Hope the party is fun!
  • He is beautiful (or should I say, handsome!). I can't believe how fast the year went. I remember when J and my boys were just babies..where does time go?!

    Happy Birthday, Benjamin!

  • How is he 1 already?? He is such a cutie!
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