
Tell me about your twin jogging stroller

We like to go hiking and run in 5ks with Audrey and want to take our kids to the pumpkin patch and Christmas tree shopping in the mountains and really get a lot of use out of our single jogging stroller for Audrey so now we're in the market for a twin jogging stroller for these outings.  Tell me about yours!  Is it truly good for jogging?  How well or compactly does it fold up?  Just wondering if I should ALSO get a Combi twin stroller as well.  I borrowed one from a friend and the Combi is nice as a umbrella stroller type thing but I think I will also want the jogging stroller.  Oh...and can your jogging stroller fit through a standard door frame?  TIA!

Re: Tell me about your twin jogging stroller

  • We have the Baby Trend Expedition and LOVE it!!! It was about 220 ... we compared it to the Valco and yes the Valco is "nicer" but this one moves just as easily and folds really well .... I say go look at a variety and play with em in the store ... fold em and pop em back up and lift em and run through the isles with it ... ok maybe walk.
  • I love my jogging stroller.  It's an older Dreamer Design (Ditto Lite?) that I got from Craigslist.  I love that the canopies rotate all the way to block the sun.  It also has big wheels which makes it easier to push.  It's great for jogging or taking up to the mountains which I do a lot.  It does not fit through standard door frames so I only use it outside. One thing I do like about it is it's easy to fold up.  And if I want to make it really compact it's not hard to take the wheels off.

    I do have a MacLaren Techno for trips to the mall or grocery shopping.  If you can I would suggest getting a Combi as well.  I've found them on Craigslist for $80 or so which isn't bad.

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  • I have the instep safari.  I got in online at Walmart for $189.  I love it!  I use it as my everyday stroller.  It fits through standard doors and folds so easily.  I am a walker not a runner but have taken it on walking trails and it rides really smoothly.

     I do have a few complaints...the sun canopies suck.  They only really work if the sun is right behind you.  The basket underneath is also not super big or easy to access.  Finally, the seats don't seem to sit straight up and are always kind of reclined.  My kids don't seem to mind but it bugs me!

    We actually bought 2 single umbrella strollers instead of a double umbrella.  This has been really useful when we are going somewhere together.  It is much easier to maneuver 2 singles in a busy place than a double! 


  • I also have a Baby Trend Expedition (for when I only have 2 of mine) and I really like it, it fits through a standard doorway and it is good for actual jogging.. the only thing I wish I had gotten was the kind with a swivel wheel in front, I got the stationary wheel (which is supposed to be better for jogging) but I still wish it could turn without having to pivot. I paid 156$ at BRU for it. That, and the speakers for the mp3 player that come with it are super quiet, but that was no big deal to me.
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