
AW - my baby sat up today

We were at the park and she went from her hands and knees to a sitting position.  It was so cute, it took about a minute to get there and then another minute to move her foot from underneath her but I was so proud of her...she's will be 7 months on Sunday (she is in PT for scoliosis but the PT is totally helping her not fall behind on milestones.)

And I have a new siggy which is probably over a month old but thougt it was better than the 6 month old ones that I had (well, not really because I loved those pics but I had to update eventually.)

Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08

Re: AW - my baby sat up today

  • Yay for Addison!  That's great that the PT is working.  Kate was in PT for torticollis and we just had to start back up again for gross motor delays, so I like seeing success stories. :)
  • Yeah, Addison had torticolis too, she started PT at 3mos and we did it twice a week through outpatient for 3 months and now is doing it through EI.  I agree with the doctors that it is not likely going to help her scoliosis (hopefully it will go away on it's own like they are hoping) but it is helping her not fall behind...and getting to a sitting position on her own at 6mos is on the early side so I am thrilled.  Of course she practices this which is why she can do it early but it is still cool.
    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
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