
Teething Help

My DD has been teething all week.  Each day it gets a little worest.  Last night being the worest so far.  I give her baby tylenol and teething tablets.  That seem to be working till last night.  Is there anything else you guys do for teething that I can try. Also I have notice that she will be a little fuss during the day and then be screaming at night.  Did you notice your LO would teeth worest at night?

 Oh and she hates oral gel.  She screemed louder when I tried that.  Thanks in advance for your help.

Re: Teething Help

  • We used Motrin when Tylenol didn't seen to cut it.  Our DD was older than yours when she started teething, but we also used ice chips in a mesh feeder or little figures (she hs a panda, a lion and a butterfly) with gel in them you put in the refrigerator to cool down for them to chew on. 
  • Thank you so much.  Ill try those also :)
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  • Motrin works much better for DS than Tylenol, but I think they have to be 6 months to use it.  We also use teething tablets with some success, but when it gets really bad we use orajel.  It took me awhile to get good at applying it, but using a q-tip or even getting the kind that's in a q-tip like applicator works best.  He doesn't seem to mind the taste, once I get it on.

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  • our pedi said no orajel as it can numb the back of their throat and cause them to choke (not to scare you that's just what we were told) also no motrin till older. we just toughed it out w/ teething toys and tylenol for our 1st and will again for our 2nd.
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  • We used motrin which lasted longer. Frozen wash cloths also worked well for the pain,.
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