
Constantly worried about DD getting enough to eat

How do I know if she is getting enough? I feel like she is soo inconsistent with bfing. Some days I feel totally confident that she has gotten enough b/c she will eat every 2-3 hours for a good amount of time on both sides. Then other days I feel like she goes longer than 3 hours and will only eat for 5 minutes on one side or maybe 5 minutes on both sides. It's pretty stressful never knowing how much she is getting. She pees and poops a lot so I *think* she is doing ok but then again, what do I know?

ETA: At her 2 wk appt she was slightly behind in the weight gain dept. She had only just then made it back to her birth weight. I can't remember exactly what he said but I think it was something like they should be gaining half an oz a day and she was only gaining a quarter. Something along those lines but he suggested giving her an oz or two of formula after her nightly feedings. We have only done that a few times though b/c she never seemed to want more than what she was getting on the breast other than those few times.

Re: Constantly worried about DD getting enough to eat

  • i feel the same way. DS always ate every 2 hrs for 30 minutes.  DD is all over the place.  But she is gaining good, she pees and poops alot, and she is rarely fussy. Also if I offer her the breast more she won't eat, so I'm guessing she is doing well.
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  • just read your update...just wanted you to know that at her 1 week apt, DD was not up to her birth weight, but by her 2 week appointment she had past it and was on target for average weight gain.  DS was very slow to gain weight though and it was 3 weeks before he was back to his birth weight.  Can you go for a weight check?  We did that with DS for the first month.
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  • That too. I always make sure to try giving her the breast quite a few more times to make sure she doesn't want more and she rarely does.

  • I would try to not worry and relax.  It sounds like she is doing great.

    I was so worried with DD at the beginning.  I would time the BF sessions and try to get her to keep eating if she stopped, etc.  It was very stressful.  Then I finally relaxed and she was fine.  She was always little too, at the 5% for weight.

    Good luck!

  • I know it's hard, but try not to worry about it.  If she's gaining, and the pedi isn't concerned, I wouldn't worry too much about it.  You're offering her the breast, and she'll eat when she's hungry.  Some babies are really efficient eaters.  Mine was.  I'd get maybe 6-7 minutes on one side out of her.  That was it.  But, she had pee and poopy diapers, and was gaining, so I wasn't worried.

    Good luck-I know you're having a hard time.

  • REOMREOM member

    Aw, she is a beauty! Congrats!

    I know it is hard in the beginning, but it sounds like you are doing a great job!  Both my girls are small, and have been since the beginning. Don't think that b/c your baby isn't in the 50% they aren't 'normal' size. As long as she is gaining weight (however small the gains) and not losing, and has enough wet and dirty diapers, then she is great!

    I worried about this too, and keeping a record of her diapers helped ease my mind. You can find a chart online (even on the bump, I think) that is typically for the first week, but keep using it if that makes you feel better.

    You are doing a great job! Keep it up- it gets easier and  more enjoyable, I promise!

    ETA: I wouldn't even bother with the formula at this point. Just offer her the breast, that will be enough. If you don't supplement, your body will adjust its supply to satisfy her. I am going outside with my DD#1, but PM me if you have any more BF Qs! I am happy to help.

    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
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