DS#2 goes down fine at night, but he wakes up once around 3ish and wants a bottle before going back to sleep. I know he isn't hungry b/c he has no interest in bottles during the day, sometimes will only eat a couple of oz when he wakes, etc. DS#1 used to do the same thing so we did CIO with him around 12 months. I'm ready to do this again, but I can't remember if we just let him cry, went in to soothe him with no bottle, took a sippy, or what. What did everyone else do? I remember it only took a few nights to get #1 to STTN when we did this and I'm hoping for the same results this time around.
Re: If you did CIO during the night come in please
I did Ferber where you go in at increasing intervals--5 min., 7 min., 10 min. and then keep going in at 10 min. Just tell him it's time to go to sleep and leave.
The next night you do slightly longer intervals, but do the same thing.
Yep, this exactly.
That's what we did, except I only said something the first time I went in and I would lay him back down then walk out. Oh and we started at 3min, not 5.