So not a good past week. First I lost a diamond earring, then dh lost his wallet. I found my earring so I thought things were getting better. Wrong. Very wrong.
My gma (who I lived with for my entire life until DH and I got married when I was 21) had a mamaogram (sp) a few wks ago. It came back that there was a spot. So she went for further testing and last night my mom called and told me it is cancer.
Im so upset. She is 78yrs old and isnt in the best health without the cancer. She is diabetic and takes all sorts of meds. Im not even over (not that I ever will be) losing Jarrett 2yrs ago. (my baby brother who was one of the VT victims.)
Im really scared she is in for a long painful battle and I dont want to see her suffer through the treatments or surgery. She had it once when she was in her late 40's or early 50's and had a surgery to remove it. No treatments other than that and was fine. Now she is a lot older and not in good health.
Im just not ready to lose my gma. Im upset at the thought of having to explain what happened to "grandma" to my kids. L is 4 and the K&K are 3 and think the world of her. We only live 15mins away and see her at least 2xs a week.
Ugh Im just having a horrible week and Im really about to just break down, cry, scream and run away. Oh and add in that my boss has given me the worst schedule all this week and next and that I dont have a single day off this week. (working 56hrs, usually only work 40) I have worked since Sunday and not off until next Tuesday. 10 days straight of this horrible 11-8pm schedule. Im wore out and stressed out.
I officially hate July.
Re: $h!T. My week just got worse. Not sure how much I can take. :(
Liam is 5!
That is a bad week. ((Hugs))
I'm so sorry. I'll be praying for her. And you for strength.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church