Also posted on the breastfeeding board.
Has anyone dealt with thrush while pregnant? DD had her 15 month checkup today and she has thrush for the first time ever. The doc gave me one prescription to give to her orally and another to put on my nipples. However, the one for my nipples is class C for pregnancy. I have my first OB appt Monday, but I'm going in tomorrow for a GYN appt because I think I'm getting a UTI (yeah, I'm having a fantastic week), so I'll ask then, but I'm just wondering if anyone has expereince with this and what you did. Thanks
Re: XP: ? for moms who nursed while pregnant
I never did have thrush, but thought I did. I took diflucan and had a bad hives reaction. You could try GrapefruitSEED extract and probiotics to boost your body's ability to fight the fungus. GL!
(info on is really good for treatment)