
Anyone have to do a fast baptism?

With DS going under general Monday for his tests, we've been scrambling to make sure he is baptized beforehand.  Fortunately, the priest at our parish is willing to do it Sat (he finally told us today!)  So, now I'm scrambling even more.  Anyone else have to do this?  I'm frantically calling/emailing friends and family to see if they can come but I don't expect many will with a day and a half notice. 

It breaks my heart that DS won't have a beautiful formal baptism ceremony and reception.  I hope at some point we can have or do something more.  But, it would break my heart even more if something happened Monday and DS passed away without being baptized. (can't even think of that). 

Just wondering if anybody was in my shoes.  Just one more thing that isn't going according to our plans. :(


Re: Anyone have to do a fast baptism?

  • I have not had to do this, but I wanted you to know that we are thinking and praying for you and your LO now and in the upcoming weeks.  I am glad you are doing this on Saturday, and I am looking forward to your post in a few months with pictures of his formal baptism ceremony and a great reception!

    Positive thoughts, and many hugs from our family to yours.  We will be anxiously awaiting an update!!

    3/22/09 - Lily Grace, born at 33 weeks, 2 days
    9/12/14 - M/C @ 7 weeks, 1 day (ectopic)

  • I think you might be able to have what they call a "conditional baptism". ?This is when under special circumstances like yours, the priest will baptize the baby informally and it's accepted as a sacrament but then you will have a "formal" baptism in church again with all the friends and family later on once things have stabilized. ?We are thinking about doing this because DD can't really be around groups yet, but we dont feel comfortable waiting until 6 mos to have her baptized. ?It doesn't hurt to ask!
    BFP #1 - Chemical Pregnancy ----BFP#2 - DD born at 32 weeks-----BFP #3 Spontaneous Identical Twin Boys lost due to Missed M/C - on 7/1/11----BFP #4 Baby girl lost due to Trisomy 22 on 1/6/12 PGAL and PAL Always Welcome! Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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  • First of all, I am so sorry that you are dealing with this and you and your family with be in my thoughts and prayers.

    To answer your question, I actually had this when I was born.  They were not sure I was going to make it so I was baptized in the hospital with just immeidate family present, I believe.  Later on, I had a formal baptism ceremony and reception with all my family present.  Unfortunately I don't think its that uncommon.  You shouldn;t have a problem doing it again later.  In fact, when I filled out the form to have my DD baptized in May, there was even a question about whether they had been baptized before and emergency was listed as one of the examples under the question.

    Good luck on Monday and I'll be looking forward to seeing pics of your beautiful public baptism ceremony in a few months.

  • Our priest told us if need be, we could baptize DS ourselves, and then have the "ceremony" later with family/friends etc...the wouldn't rebaptize, but would do the rest of the ceremony and celebrate it.  I"m sorry you're having to make this decision.  It's something to consider!
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