my babies were born at 29w6d. ?i am curious if the doc sill still have them start cereal at 4 mo or if they will be delayed since they were preemies?
they are growing great, they should be less than a month old and boy is already almost 12 lbs and girl is not too far behind.
Re: did they have your preemie start solids at 4 mo still?
At our 4 month appt. the pedi said that he felt we should start around 8 months (6 mo. adjusted) to make sure DS's GI tract was mature enough. At our 6 month appt. he said we could start since DS is now in the 75th percentile and not really preemie-ish anymore. So far it has been going well.
Lily has had cereal in her bottles for a while because of reflux and our pedi recommended going ahead and starting her on oatmeal 2x per day (if she would do it) because she was eating upwards of 40 oz. per day at 3 months! She still had rather heavy tounge-thrust at the time she wanted us to start it, so we stopped and tried again this week. She will be 16 weeks on Sunday, and she LOVES her oatmeal. Opens her mouth HUGE for the spoon, loves it!
Each baby is (obviously!!) different and since we all have preemies, each of our experiences were different. Lily never really had any eating issues, so our pedi wasn't concerned with starting her at around the 16 week mark.