I have had my car in 3 times so far because (this was thr 4-5 time this has happened) when I have slowed down to turn the whole car dies. Once was in a parking lot I was pulling in to a spot (dd with me), once was pulling off a busy road to a side street I luckly was on a small down slop so my car would move and I had control with the break bt barley and had cars comming at me that all had to slow down (dd not with me but was making a left and the cars gp 40-50 mph on this road), last night pulling in our drive way (this time it happened to dh with all of us in the car first time he was in the car this has happened), the other time or 2 I cant remember what I was doing but dd was with me. So everytime but one I had dd. I dont feel safe driving this car anymore with her. We have had this car for year (bought it march of last year). I have the extened warrenty that will cover a rental car for up to 5 or 10 days (I cant remember how long) and I think its per year we have the warrenty. Im taking it in today at 1 should I tell the service manager that I want them to keep the car until they find out whats wrong and fix it and approve the rental for me or just wait and see what they saw. Last time we had it in the told me that it was the idle and they fixed it (found that because there has been other cars with this problem and its in the computer that this is a problem). We dont have any other cars that I can use during the day for things I need to get done and dh works 2 hrs away so I cant just take him to work and use that car.
sorry its long but its making me mad that we have a brand new car (2008) and we are the only owners and having so many problems with this car. We have also had another problem that was just fixed.
WWYD about this.
Re: wwyd:car issue
Yeah its financed but the good thing was we bought it just above what the dealer bought it for. My sil works for att (sbc, pacbell) and because they buy so many cars that ford has let att give the discount to all who works for them so I think we paid $2000 more then what the dealer paid. I will talk to dh about that. We love the car just not the problems and I have heard after 2009 they will no longer sell them.
It is the ford taurus X and is a 2008.