
U/S yesterday! Found out sex of one baby...

Baby B is a BOY!  Yaayyyyy!  We can stop after this!

But Baby A wouldn't turn just right.  So we have to wait until the next u/s on 8/7 to find out the sex of that one.  Four more weeks!  It seems like forever.

Re: U/S yesterday! Found out sex of one baby...

  • congrats - I hope Baby A coorperates next time!
  • Congrats and GL next time.  I have an OB appt today and will get to schedule my U/S, I'm going to see if there's anyway he'll let me do it next week (he normally has an 18w minimum, but since I'm having so many, I might be able to talk him into it).
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  • Congrats on finding out the sex of at least one!  Very exciting!
  • Congrats on the boy!  I can't imagine the wait for finding out the other one.  I hope it goes quickly! (or you can convince them to look sooner)
    After a PCOS dx, 18 months of trying, 3 rounds of clomid and 2 follistim IUIs our babies are here!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • Congrats! We found out the sexes too! Luckily both cooperated, I hope the other baby cooperates in August! Good luck!
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